Any Warriors of Light Left?
(too old to reply)
2006-06-09 09:21:08 UTC
The final battle of Armageddon between the Forces of Light and the
forces of darkness has begun, as prophesized in the Dead Sea Scrolls,
that were buried in earthen jars thousands of years ago and found in

Archaeologists and religious groups agree that the word
"Armageddon" refers to the ancient city known as "Megiddo".
However, what both groups do not understand is that the prophesized
battle is over the "Truth of Megiddo", not a piece of desert real

Many open-minded archaeologists and biblical scholars now agree that
Moses was the Pharaoh Ankhnaten, Solomon was the Pharaoh Amenhotep III
and David was the Pharaoh ThothMoses III.

Thoth Moses III, (David), circa 1450 BC, retaliated against Canaanite
raids on Egyptian border towns by capturing the fortress city of
Megiddo in Canaan. ThothMoses III brought back to Egypt gold, animals,
slaves and some of the sons of royal Canaan families. The sons of royal
Canaanites from captured cities, like Megiddo, were raised as
Egyptians. In this manner, the biblical Joseph of the coat of many
colours did come to Egypt as a slave, but was not sold into slavery.
Joseph was raised by ThothMoses III, who would later be known in the
bible as King David.

Both David and Solomon's kingdoms were vast, yet no archaeological
evidence of either of their kingdoms has ever been found. However, as
well documented by the Egyptologist Ahmed Osman, a wealth of
archaeological evidence from Thoth Moses III and Amenhotep III's
kingdoms have been found in the same areas where the Bible says the
kingdoms of David and Solomon were located.

The spiritual secrets of ancient Egypt were stored for safekeeping by
the Pharaohs of Egypt in their Holiest of Holies, the Egyptian Ark of
the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant was kept inside the main Egyptian
temple. However, when the Pharaoh Ankhnaten, grandson of Joseph and son
of Amenhotep III, left Egypt in exile with his followers of the One
God, to become Moses, he took the Egyptian Holiest of Holies, the Ark
of the Covenant with him.

Then, 900 years later, just before Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar and
the Babylonians, the Ark of the Covenant was buried circa 585 BC. It
was 600 years later when our great...great grandfather Jesus found the
Ark of the Covenant using the directions he had seen on one of the
Stone Tablets from the Ark while studying at a Druid university in
England. After studying the wisdom, he reburied the Ark. A millennium
later, a group of Guardians from the "Knights Templar", following
the instructions from the same Ark of the Convent's stone tablet as
Jesus, recovered the Ark and its priceless wealth of wisdom. (More
information on the Ark, Jesus, Moses etc. is on our website.)

Then, after great numbers of Guardians and their families were tortured
and murdered 700 years ago, the remaining Guardians of the Knights
Templar reburied the Ark of the Covenant. A few years ago, a direct
descendant of the Guardians resurrected the priceless wisdom with a
group of descendants. Other descendants of the Guardians, and Jesus and
Mary Magdalene's marriage, have been located. Together once again, we
are releasing the ancient wisdom and truth of our ancestors, much to
the dismay of the forces of darkness, because it is upsetting their
1,700 year strategy of using fear and control to maintain power over

The Dead Sea Scrolls from the Essenes included the War Scroll that
prophesized the Final Battle of Armageddon. (The original Essenes were
those members of Thoth Moses III's ancient Egyptian Mystery School
who followed the Pharaoh Ankhnaten into exile). The War Scroll
describes how after 40 years of battles the forces of darkness and the
Forces of Light, begin the final battle. Scholars who study Essene
prophecies, like the Dead Sea Scrolls, are unaware of the real history
behind what they study. Thus, scholars and spiritually immature
religious individuals fall for the deliberate misdirection which
spiritually advanced Essenes from the Forces of Light purposely
included in their prophecies to confuse the forces of darkness whom
they knew would "control" the Scrolls after their discovery,

"The devil is in the details" is an ancient saying which describes
the tactic used by the forces of darkness to confuse people. However,
the Forces of Light have used that same tactic in their prophecies
against the forces of darkness. Great amounts of detail regarding the
final battle were included in the prophecy to confuse the
detail-oriented sons/forces of darkness. However, the same information
from the prophecy when reviewed by the Sons/Forces of Light, gives an
overall picture and battle strategy for the final battle of Armageddon.

While archaeologists, biblical scholars and many other people have
realized that the "Kittim" of the War Scroll's sons of darkness
referred to the Roman Empire, only a few people have understood that
the "Kittim" referred to both the Roman Empire, and its Successor
Empires. The Roman Empire's Successor Empires include the last 100
acres of the old Roman Empire, now called the Vatican, as well as all
the Protestant Christian religions, and Christian mega corporations who
follow the Roman Empire's version of Christianity contained in the

The Battle of Armageddon is about the "Truth of Megiddo" and details
how the usage of high frequency electro-magnetic energies will enable
one to attain multiple levels of Enlightenment. The final battle is an
energetic and informational battle between the Forces of Light and the
forces of darkness. If you would like to help the Forces of Light in
this battle against the forces of darkness, we welcome your help.
However, please understand that we need to warn all volunteers that the
forces of darkness are using devious fear and control techniques
against those who help us. We suggest that people who wish to help us
protect themselves by using the high frequency energies produced by
Whole Brain Thinking Techniques. (Free Basic Whole Brain Thinking
Techniques are available from our website).

The Final Battle has begun and here are three ways you can help the
Forces of Light:

1. Use a variety of methods to tell others about the "Truth of
2. Assist us at an AIDS Babies Benefit Gathering, where one can help
descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene give high frequency spiritual
energy awakenings. One can direct people to headphones of DNA
activation tests using sound to locate other descendants and another
special DNA activation test that locates Archangels who incarnated into
human bodies to help humanity at this time. We also need help with
teddy bear sales for the AIDS orphans, etc. (Email us for more
information, July Gatherings in Germany, South Africa and NE US.)
3. Bilocate with groups of Archangels every Saturday. These wondrous
events expand one's own Archangelic Light Body and help prepare
children for their Ascension in their own Archangelic Light Bodies.
(Babies are born with a direct connection to their Angelic Light Body
and see/perceive both the earthly 3rd and Angelic 4th dimensions.
Children lose their connection to their Angelic Light Body and the
Angelic world as they become more focused on 3D life. Archangels are
now helping special children to retain their Angelic and Archangelic
connections. In addition, the Archangels are also developing
children's connections to their Archangelic Light Bodies for the time
of Physical Body Ascensions. We do daily and weekly bilocations to help
the Archangels to work with many children at once.)
aussie bongo
2006-06-09 14:39:02 UTC
sorry to hear that you are confused in life,
but do not worry too much this is the right group for you, it may help you
to get rid of your confusion.

now shut up and take your smamming some where else
