(too old to reply)
Josell Paredes
2005-09-08 16:07:19 UTC
I have suffered from anxiety attacks all my life. Lately I have been
experiencing things with my heart and hope someone can shed some light. I
feel my heart pounding in my chest almost all day long. It goes faster
whenever I do anything at all. At times it will start racing up to 130bpm.
I had to actually go to the hospital because I got so scared at one point.
The hospital said they found nothing wrong. So I went to my cardiologist,
did an EKG said it was perfect. Then I wore a halter for 24 hours in which
the rapid heart rate happened twice. He said the results were fine. He
said he will know for sure when I go and do the stress test and echo next
week. So fare everything points out ok, but why am I getting these. Can
anyone shed some light if you have experienced these as well?

Thanks so much,

Josell Paredes

Male Age39
country farms
2005-09-23 06:07:02 UTC
To Josell, I am usually not on this site,but for some reason I decided
to check it out tonight.I read about your palpatations, and thought I
would respond. I have had this same problem for almost 20 years now.
"Don't let that scare you!" I have had panic attacks and anxity for
years now. The palpitations started into the second year of my anxiity.
I went to my Doctor and he found nothing wrong with Me. Also I went to a
heart specialist. He did find that I had a Mitrol Valve Prolapse...But
this had nothing to with the palpatations. He did put me on a beta
blocker to help control the heart rate. I was told that I was fine and
never needed a follow up visit. Now I still get this at times, more than
I would like, but I do know now that stress will bring it on for sure.
Any time I am overwhelmed with a situation I will have these occur. I
know it is not pleasnat and I have also gone to the ER at times when I
felt it was getting out of control. I had to learn to take a few deep
breaths and try to slow down my symptons (It's kind of like turning the
volume down on a radio.) I'am sorry you are going through this but
chances are your fine and may just be going through a tough time now .
I hope this helps you in some way .Take care... Sherrie
