Heart or panic attack?
(too old to reply)
Howard and Hope
2005-06-26 19:32:34 UTC
I am 63..subject to Panic Attacks. I get this little "Blurp"?
Palpitation? once in awhile in center chest, after this I bloat, Have to
pee, get hunger pains, feel sickly, warm feeling in center chest, funny
feelings all over and up back of neck, head feels full, slight headache,
shakeall over.....sometimes this BLURP or whatever it is..hurts a
bit..like a burn or stab ? Any help appreciated..Howie
2005-06-26 22:27:25 UTC
Post by Howard and Hope
I am 63..subject to Panic Attacks. I get this little "Blurp"?
Palpitation? once in awhile in center chest, after this I bloat, Have to
pee, get hunger pains, feel sickly, warm feeling in center chest, funny
feelings all over and up back of neck, head feels full, slight
Post by Howard and Hope
shakeall over.....sometimes this BLURP or whatever it is..hurts a
bit..like a burn or stab ? Any help appreciated..Howie
Chest pains can be caused by panic attacks or anxiety, however, but if
it was me, I would first of all rule out any heart issues by going to my
GP and asking for a referral to a cardiologist, then go from there. Just
my two cents.

Howard and Hope
2005-06-27 00:32:06 UTC
Thanks..I see my Cardio in July
2005-06-27 02:07:59 UTC
Post by Howard and Hope
Thanks..I see my Cardio in July
You didn't quote any of my message, which would help, but I think you
are talking to me. Yes, good idea to see your cardiologist to put your
mind at ease and rule out any physical problems.
Good luck.

Howard and Hope
2005-06-27 12:56:43 UTC
Sorry about that Mary..Thanks for the advice..Howie
2005-06-27 02:14:41 UTC
Post by Howard and Hope
Thanks..I see my Cardio in July
Naturally, if you feel you can't wait till your appointment , and
continue to have this chest pain, you should phone your cardiologist and
tell the receptionist or whoever answers the phone about your symptoms
and say you need an appointment before your July appointment. And of
course go to your ER if emergency.

Howard and Hope
2005-06-27 13:01:59 UTC
It's not really a pain..hard to explain..seems to be direct in center
and sometimes may be a little to the right side..almost feels like a
marble went rhru a tight tube and popped out the other side? Duration
about 1 to 2 seconds??? Hiatal Hernia ? Gall Bladder ? I have been under
stress,,depressed a bit..I have 2 cups coffee a day..have wife, Daughte
and bill problems?? Howie
2005-06-27 18:36:54 UTC
Post by Howard and Hope
It's not really a pain..hard to explain..seems to be direct in center
and sometimes may be a little to the right side..almost feels like a
marble went rhru a tight tube and popped out the other side? Duration
about 1 to 2 seconds??? Hiatal Hernia ? Gall Bladder ? I have been under
stress,,depressed a bit..I have 2 cups coffee a day..have wife, Daughte
and bill problems?? Howie
I sometimes have something like that and because I have an artificial
heart valve, I am more tuned into heart issues than the average person.
I sometimes get a sharp pain in my left chest area, for about 4 or 5
seconds then it goes away. I am pretty sure it is anxiety or sometimes
chest pain can be caused by muscle spams. This just started a few months
ago. I will go to my cardiologist in September for a yearly
echocardiogram and checkup. Have you had any previous heart problems?

How often do you get this pain? every day? every few days? Have you
been to your family doctor recently to ask if it could be any of the
things you mention above?
If you reply to this message, please quote some of my message so it is
obvious you are replying to my message. It helps keep track of things :)

Howard and Hope
2005-06-27 21:19:03 UTC
Hi Mary..I get a few a day, sometimes I skip a day or Two but maybe this
is a time whe my mind is on other things and I do not notice them. I see
Cardio July 25th..I am keeping notes and BP readings. Had a Pacemaker
put in 1996..had sick sinus syndrone they said? As the years went by the
pacer was checked regularly ad almost all te checks they sad that this
demand pacer was hardly to never being used...all te time I had the
pacer I would get those little blurps but this time on the left side
just off center. I had all the goodies, EKG, Holter, Heart cath...all
ok. THEN, March 2005, 9 years from pacer implant..I began
having steady shocks..extra beats and my heart was going nuts..went to
ER..EKG and they said pacer was dying and trying to come to life
again??? (This is after pacer was diagnosed as having dying batteries
and my heart was on it's own and pacer was shut off) So the pacer was
removed in April and I havebeen doing ok...then these "whatevers"
started up again but no quite the same as the crazy pacer..the 1st one
put me into a panic atack...Was also diag in 1996 as having Gall Stones,
Hiatel Hernia and Chron's disease...Just had a cancerous prostate
removed in Feb..I am 63 and tressed out over a lot of things..Wife,
Daughter, Grandkids, Medical bills on wife..you name it...Neverhad a
panic atack until I had pacemaker put in.1996.
2005-06-27 21:51:42 UTC
Post by Howard and Hope
Hi Mary..I get a few a day, sometimes I skip a day or Two but maybe this
is a time whe my mind is on other things and I do not notice them. I see
Cardio July 25th..I am keeping notes and BP readings. Had a Pacemaker
put in 1996..had sick sinus syndrone they said?
Yes, its a good idea to keep notes and blood pressure readings. I have a
home blood pressure monitor which is pretty accurate and take my BP
every day. It can be high sometimes when I am under stress or at the
doctors office, it can be high by even thinking it might be high.

As the years went by the
Post by Howard and Hope
pacer was checked regularly ad almost all te checks they sad that this
demand pacer was hardly to never being used...all te time I had the
pacer I would get those little blurps but this time on the left side
just off center. I had all the goodies, EKG, Holter, Heart cath...all
ok. THEN, March 2005, 9 years from pacer implant..I began
having steady shocks..extra beats and my heart was going nuts..went to
ER..EKG and they said pacer was dying and trying to come to life
again??? (This is after pacer was diagnosed as having dying batteries
and my heart was on it's own and pacer was shut off)
Sounds very scary. I don't know much about pacemakers other than what I
read or see on TV medical shows but I know its to keep your heart
beating steady as arrythmias can be dangerous.
The cardiologist thought I had a heart arrythmia last year and asked me
to wear a holter monitor for 24 hours. I had to wear one years ago and
the one I got last year was much smaller and lighter. The result was the
cardologist thought it was just something to watch so I don't know what
he will say in September when I go back to him.
Post by Howard and Hope
So the pacer was
removed in April and I havebeen doing ok...then these "whatevers"
started up again but no quite the same as the crazy pacer..the 1st one
put me into a panic atack...
Yuo mean you have no pacer at all in your chest? I thought once you had
one you had to have it forever.?

Was also diag in 1996 as having Gall Stones,
Post by Howard and Hope
Hiatel Hernia and Chron's disease...Just had a cancerous prostate
removed in Feb..I am 63 and tressed out over a lot of things..Wife,
Daughter, Grandkids, Medical bills on wife..you name it...Neverhad a
panic atack until I had pacemaker put in.1996.
Well, it could make anyone have a panic attack. But that doesn't mean
thats what you have right now. I don't know much about gall stones or
Chrons disease or Hiatus hernia symptoms. Maybe they could cause some of
the symptoms you presently have. Have you thought of going to your GP?
They should have an idea what is wrong with you.
Sure sounds like you are under a lot of stress though. Maybe you need to
talk to a psychologist or pscychiatrist for support.

Howard and Hope
2005-06-27 21:20:59 UTC
My GP wanted to put me on anti depressants, BP meds etc but I dont like
to take that stuff..
2005-06-27 21:44:02 UTC
Post by Howard and Hope
My GP wanted to put me on anti depressants, BP meds etc but I dont like
to take that stuff..
Howard, please quote even a couple of lines of my message, so I don't
have to look up what I said last time..

I have been on anti depressants off and on starting years ago when I was
very depressed about various things in my life, and didn't do well on
any of them. the only ones I could take was prozac starting with 2 mg
and had to be liquid as the capsules start at 10 mg. I stayed on it for
a few months. It didn't do much, and the other was Paxil, which I was on
for about 5 months and it made me more anxious, and was hell to get off.
For anxiety, many people take benzos such as Xanax or Klonopin or Ativan
and many seem to do well on them. They are addictive to some people, but
others seem to be ok with them.
As to your blood pressure, how high is it? if its high, you really
should take something. I have high blood pressure at times and tried
medication but it made me feel worse. If it was really high, I guess I
would have tried something else.

Howard and Hope
2005-06-28 14:53:30 UTC
I take my BP a few times a week and I do it 3 times and take the average
(Dont trust these didital BP machines) usually runs..142/77 145/76
139/74 and last one was averaged out to 129/73...but when I go to Dr I
have that White Coat thing? BP way up there...??? I was on Paxil
awhile..seemed to help awhile but I got off it...I have been tru a
lot..Prostate Cancer, Pacemaker, Panic attacks..bills, family
problems...you know what I mean..you can email me if you want
***@webtv.net Howie
2005-06-28 22:18:56 UTC
Post by Howard and Hope
I take my BP a few times a week and I do it 3 times and take the average
(Dont trust these didital BP machines) usually runs..142/77 145/76
139/74 and last one was averaged out to 129/73...but when I go to Dr I
have that White Coat thing? BP way up there...???
Actually many of the hbome digital BP machines are very good. The one I
have is made by Omron and in tests it did well as far as accuracy. The
BP machine manufacturers advise you to take it to your doctors and
compare if the BP is similar, which I did and it is much the same, other
than a little bit out but not enough to worry about. You BP is pretty
good. I don't know if you can average BP though. its either high or its
not. Mine is between 145/76 and can be 160/76 if I get stressed out,
which is not good, but I don't want medication unless if I had to. I
have strange reactions to some medicatiions. I took BP medication before
and it put my BP up higher. When I go to the Dr. I too get the white
coat thing, though I never used to. That only started after my BP
started to get higher than it used to be. I never had high BP till a few
years ago.

I was on Paxil
Post by Howard and Hope
awhile..seemed to help awhile but I got off it...I have been tru a
lot..Prostate Cancer, Pacemaker, Panic attacks..bills, family
problems...you know what I mean..you can email me if you want
You seem to have a lot of things wrong right now. Life can be stressful.
Today I have something else to worry about. I live in an apt. building
and when getting into the elevator a couple of hours ago, the elevator
door closed quickly and my arm got knocked kind of hard, and because I
take coumadin, it created a big lumpy bruise. I've had bruises before
but not a lump like that. I phoned Tele health which is a free health
line we can phone here in Toronto. I think its all over Ontario. The
phones are answered by registered nurses who advise you what to do, or
go to ER or phone your doctor, so the nurse said if it gets worse in the
next couple of hours I should go to an after hours clinic - there are
some, but not that many, and the ER is the last place I want to go
unless I have to, as you wait hours and hours. I will have to see if the
lump gets bigger in the next while. I hope it doesnt, but if it does,
can be dangerous as my blood does not clot the same as everybody elses.

2006-01-02 03:19:23 UTC
Hi Debe here
Is the pain brought on by exertion? Does it quit with rest? What is quality
of pain - tight , squeezing, elephant on your chest, stabbing,constant,
travel anywhere, duration, emotional time, fight, sad, asthma, fast
breathing, scale of 1-10. 1 lowest to 10 most horrendous pain, sitting,
standing, laying, allergic to something, sweats, cool, cold, clammy or ward,
hot sweaty. thirsty.
Keep a recorded of what you were doing, how did you help the pain decrease,
foods eaten, additives etc etc
These are things that would be useful to take to Dr or emergency.
Hope this helps.
Post by Howard and Hope
Post by Howard and Hope
It's not really a pain..hard to explain..seems to be direct in center
and sometimes may be a little to the right side..almost feels like a
marble went rhru a tight tube and popped out the other side? Duration
about 1 to 2 seconds??? Hiatal Hernia ? Gall Bladder ? I have been
Post by Howard and Hope
stress,,depressed a bit..I have 2 cups coffee a day..have wife,
Post by Howard and Hope
and bill problems?? Howie
I sometimes have something like that and because I have an artificial
heart valve, I am more tuned into heart issues than the average person.
I sometimes get a sharp pain in my left chest area, for about 4 or 5
seconds then it goes away. I am pretty sure it is anxiety or sometimes
chest pain can be caused by muscle spams. This just started a few months
ago. I will go to my cardiologist in September for a yearly
echocardiogram and checkup. Have you had any previous heart problems?
How often do you get this pain? every day? every few days? Have you
been to your family doctor recently to ask if it could be any of the
things you mention above?
If you reply to this message, please quote some of my message so it is
obvious you are replying to my message. It helps keep track of things :)