Is Buspirone really "worthless" as doctor said?
(too old to reply)
2004-12-04 20:25:15 UTC
I was just wondering the validy of these statements because I have found a
lot of info on the web saying that Buspirone is one of the better treatments
for GAD, but this is what the doctor(NP) said about it when I questioned it
as a better long-term treatment for my wife than Xanax.

She was given a stress test and scored a 29 or something which was
supposedly really high. She's always been a worry-wort and basically lived
all her life with high stress. To the point where she's not sure if she's
"stressed" at the moment anymore unless it's at the point where it's
overwhelming. Depression test was only moderate as I think the high stress
causes her that once in a while. It may be genetics related because my
wife's dad is the same way, he worries about anything and everything, while
her mom is the exact opposite.

I'm an engineer myself so I need to know how things work and can't go off
someones own word. She just stated how "studies" have shown that Buspirone
"doesn't do anything" and that any type of class you would take regarding
medicine, or anxiety disorders, would never recommend this medicine. I told
her about all of the info I found on the web showing it as a good GAD
treatment but she kind of scoffed at the source, being the "internet". She
also thought Prozac might be beneficial but I thought this is MAINLY for
depression?! SHe also mentioned Zoloft (these are for long term treatments)
but that kind of worried me because of all the extreme side effects I've
heard about it. Also what's the difference of using one benzo over another
for long-term treatment? I mean the doctor said Xanax wouldn't be good for
long-term, but are other benzodiazepines much different in that sense? The
doctor also mentioned that Buspirone wouldn't kick in for 2 months though I
thought the window was only 2-4 weeks. Any advice/responses would be
greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Jeff Howington
2004-12-15 11:47:03 UTC
i take buspar and it works great for me. but if i get to stressed i
still have xanax as needed,
god bless you
2004-12-20 18:21:39 UTC
I took Buspar 7 years ago and suffered from an electric shock feeling along
with fatigue. I'm a medical provider and NEVER prescribe it.
Post by Jeff Howington
i take buspar and it works great for me. but if i get to stressed i
still have xanax as needed,
god bless you