Any homebound people out there with anxiety & depression?
(too old to reply)
2004-09-08 14:52:31 UTC
Hi everyone:

My name is Sam and I've had anxiety and depression for over 12 years.

I'm not sure where to start, so I guess I will tell you my current

Right now I am in my mid 30's and have been homebound for about 4 years.

I have all traits of a person with severe anxiety, panic attacks, social
phobia, agoraphobia, etc.

I have a problem with everything to do with going out anywhere and doing
anything outside the house. I have not been out driving on the highway in
all that time because of these severe panic attacks that scare the living
hell out of me. Since I live out here in the middle of nowhere in the
country, things are very far away. I drive to the local post office or to
get gas for my car, but even that can be a big ordeal.

Over the years I tried medications like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and Klonpin,
which have done nothing for me since I don't like taking pills in the first
place. Recently my doctor just tried to push Effexor on me and I had a
horrible reaction to (and that has freaked me out now for the past 3 weeks),
which I think was mostly me. I just don't like taking something that is
going to alter me against my will. I would just like to try and tackle this
problem without it.

I have seen a few doctors over the past concerning this problem and not one
of them was helpful. Yes, they were all nice to talk to, but none of them
had any expertise in dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. I've tried to
find help groups or doctors that specialize in dealing with this problem.I
found one in Boston, but that's about a 4 hour drive from me and I haven't
been on the highway in the past 4 years.

I don't have a girlfriend and I was never married. In fact, right now I
live in my parent's basement, which is so humiliating at my age, which is
also why I really don't talk or socialize with many people. I moved up here
about 6 years ago after losing my job with a big company that I stayed with
for 10 years. I came to live with my parents while I went back to college
to get a bachelor degree in business. After 2 years, I started having
severe panic attack problems, but it wasn't my first time having a panic
problem or being homebound.

The first time I had a panic attack problem and being homebound was when I
was in my early 20's. I was at work and when it hit me I thought I was a
relapse of my asthma, which I haven't had in years. I ran to the doctor's
office in the building, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me at
all. In the end, I had to take sick leave from work for 3 months to try and
recover from being homebound. In the end, the only way I was able to
recover was on my own. I ended up pushing myself on a bike everyday to get
father and father away from home until I was ready to go back to work. It
actually worked, but I had so much more energy then. Now I fell totally
depleted after having a panic attack. I don't enjoy biking anymore and
besides I don't have one or the money to get one. I know I should exercise,
but when I do and my heart starts beating,

I don't have a job since I have such a hard time to leave home. I have no
idea what to do with my life at this point. It's a mid-life crisis for me.
I don't want to go back to an office job or work for a corporation since I
got totally screwed in my last job where I busted my ass for 10 years. I
just don't trust them and I would hate to go back to a place where I would
have to sit in long meetings or training classes, which always drove my
anxiety to such high levels. But I can't do anything unless I get over this

I've been trying to find work out of home or maybe somehow start my own
business at home. I tried selling things on ebay, but that didn't work out
too well. If anyone knows of any good home jobs, please let me know.

So right now I am medication free. I quit smoking about 3 years ago (cold
turkey without medications) since that started to bother me also. I don't
drink either although I used to have a few beers once in a while, but now I
just don't like the lightheaded feeling I get from it. I don't sleep very
long.about 5 or 6 hours at the most with little mini naps during the day. I
don't sit around and watch cable TV all day since it makes me feel like I'm
wasting time, although I do enjoy a good video game once in while to take my
mind off of things, or read a book. Lately I find that writing seems to be
very helpful as well.

Anyway, I know I am carrying on way too much here, but I was wondering if
there are any people out there that are homebound as well. I know that I'm
not the only one, but I would sure like to find someone that is so we can
chat. Maybe we can help each other out of this.

If anyone can suggest anything to help out, please post any responses.

Thanks again and take care everyone.
2004-09-10 02:30:53 UTC
Don't give up and don't assume things won't change. When I met my husband,
he was about where you are now. He still hates leaving the house, but we're
both doing training so we'll be able one day to do 'IT' stuff from home. I
have a large amount of social anxiety myself, but I go out and do stuff as
someone must. We've turned our lives around by supporting each other. When
we met, I was a train wreck and he was living almost identical to how you
described. Single 7 yrs, no kids etc. I already had kids. He got outside his
comfort zone to come meet me and we hit it off. In our mid-30's, we fell for
each other and now have a 2 year old son! Neither of us could ever have
predicted or hoped for so amazing an outcome. We both still have high
anxiety levels, but life gets better all the time. Do small stuff, once in a
while. Nothing can change until you do that- but don't feel you need to push
yourself really hard! Neither of us, by the way, have taken any medication
since we got together, and neither of us want any! We also went through a
ton of different 'treatments'...but loving support and just accepting that
we don't 'play well with others' has helped greatly. I wish you the very
very best of luck. Remember that there's hope for a new future for anybody,
if there was for us!
Post by mstfan
My name is Sam and I've had anxiety and depression for over 12 years.
I'm not sure where to start, so I guess I will tell you my current
Right now I am in my mid 30's and have been homebound for about 4 years.
I have all traits of a person with severe anxiety, panic attacks, social
phobia, agoraphobia, etc.
I have a problem with everything to do with going out anywhere and doing
anything outside the house. I have not been out driving on the highway in
all that time because of these severe panic attacks that scare the living
hell out of me. Since I live out here in the middle of nowhere in the
country, things are very far away. I drive to the local post office or to
get gas for my car, but even that can be a big ordeal.
Over the years I tried medications like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and Klonpin,
which have done nothing for me since I don't like taking pills in the first
place. Recently my doctor just tried to push Effexor on me and I had a
horrible reaction to (and that has freaked me out now for the past 3 weeks),
which I think was mostly me. I just don't like taking something that is
going to alter me against my will. I would just like to try and tackle this
problem without it.
I have seen a few doctors over the past concerning this problem and not one
of them was helpful. Yes, they were all nice to talk to, but none of them
had any expertise in dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. I've tried to
find help groups or doctors that specialize in dealing with this problem.I
found one in Boston, but that's about a 4 hour drive from me and I haven't
been on the highway in the past 4 years.
I don't have a girlfriend and I was never married. In fact, right now I
live in my parent's basement, which is so humiliating at my age, which is
also why I really don't talk or socialize with many people. I moved up here
about 6 years ago after losing my job with a big company that I stayed with
for 10 years. I came to live with my parents while I went back to college
to get a bachelor degree in business. After 2 years, I started having
severe panic attack problems, but it wasn't my first time having a panic
problem or being homebound.
The first time I had a panic attack problem and being homebound was when I
was in my early 20's. I was at work and when it hit me I thought I was a
relapse of my asthma, which I haven't had in years. I ran to the doctor's
office in the building, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me at
all. In the end, I had to take sick leave from work for 3 months to try and
recover from being homebound. In the end, the only way I was able to
recover was on my own. I ended up pushing myself on a bike everyday to get
father and father away from home until I was ready to go back to work. It
actually worked, but I had so much more energy then. Now I fell totally
depleted after having a panic attack. I don't enjoy biking anymore and
besides I don't have one or the money to get one. I know I should exercise,
but when I do and my heart starts beating,
I don't have a job since I have such a hard time to leave home. I have no
idea what to do with my life at this point. It's a mid-life crisis for me.
I don't want to go back to an office job or work for a corporation since I
got totally screwed in my last job where I busted my ass for 10 years. I
just don't trust them and I would hate to go back to a place where I would
have to sit in long meetings or training classes, which always drove my
anxiety to such high levels. But I can't do anything unless I get over this
I've been trying to find work out of home or maybe somehow start my own
business at home. I tried selling things on ebay, but that didn't work out
too well. If anyone knows of any good home jobs, please let me know.
So right now I am medication free. I quit smoking about 3 years ago (cold
turkey without medications) since that started to bother me also. I don't
drink either although I used to have a few beers once in a while, but now I
just don't like the lightheaded feeling I get from it. I don't sleep very
long.about 5 or 6 hours at the most with little mini naps during the day.
Post by mstfan
don't sit around and watch cable TV all day since it makes me feel like I'm
wasting time, although I do enjoy a good video game once in while to take my
mind off of things, or read a book. Lately I find that writing seems to be
very helpful as well.
Anyway, I know I am carrying on way too much here, but I was wondering if
there are any people out there that are homebound as well. I know that I'm
not the only one, but I would sure like to find someone that is so we can
chat. Maybe we can help each other out of this.
If anyone can suggest anything to help out, please post any responses.
Thanks again and take care everyone.
2004-09-19 21:40:57 UTC
Dear Sam: I don't like taking medicines either, but I have found that low
dose (LOW dose) Celexa really did help me a LOT with panic issues, when none
of the others really did. Obviously I don't care if you use medicines or
not, but thought I'd share my experience. In low dose, like 10 mgs a day,
it also has no sexual side effects for me either, which ALL the others did.
Do you live in a rural area? would you feel comfortable with taking a 15 or
20 minute walk (that's 10 minutes out, and then ten minutes back -
literally) on good-weather days?

I have lots of problems sometimes getting things done (pre and post medicine
treatment, by the way) but have found that just doing SOME small thing will
give one a little momentum. The power of momentum has only recently become
more evident to me, in life. I used to have it really going for me, lost
it, got it back, lost it, and can clearly see how it works now. The
"getting it" is admittedly hard, but not nearly as hard as living the life
you have after you've 'lost it' (the momentum).

The reason I brought up medicine, in spite of your stated hatred for it, is
because I don't know if you'll do well in a corporate (eww) or
non-corporate environment until you at least can feel comfortable DRIVING
somewhere. The problem with most people and medicines is that doctors
prescribe the "recommended dose", in a well-meaning sort of way, but it is
almost always too high for people with panic problems. It's a biological
disease thing, so sometimes successfully managing it is not possible without
some medicine, much like diabetes, high blood pressure etc... Those patients
may not "like medicines" either, but know that they won't do very well
without them. E.G. They tell doctors to put people on 20 mgs of Celexa,
and increase it after a few weeks to 40 mgs. I can't even tolerate 20, but
do well on 10 (ten). Others have related similar experiences with other
drugs, but I like Celexa because it's a very "clean" drug.

You have made a list of liabilities. I would have you now make a list of
your assets, and take a close look - make sure you list them all... You can
always get in better shape. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a
single step, perhaps literally in this case. Walk a little, walk around the
yard if you have to. Appreciate nature and what IS good and IS attractive
outside. You have a car, what if you didn't? And don't forget the small
stuff - like "my dental work is all holding together just fine, and I can
eat, without assistance even." Seriously, gratitude is somewhat of a lost
art, particularly when things are not going well for us. We've all been
there, but we don't have to stay there.

I am not housebound, but easily could be if I didn't work at it - I have
panic anxiety and depression. The fact that you reached out and asked for
help is excellent and shows that you CAN get better.

There is power in forgiveness - forgive the place that screwed you over. It
doesn't mean it's ok, or that you're 'letting them off the hook', but
actually, you'll be letting YOURSELF off the hook by not being angry or
fearful re. that whole thing. It was what is was.

Let me know how you're doing. I want everyone to do well, or at least have
a halfway decent time in life.

Post by Mydarkside
Don't give up and don't assume things won't change. When I met my husband,
he was about where you are now. He still hates leaving the house, but we're
both doing training so we'll be able one day to do 'IT' stuff from home. I
have a large amount of social anxiety myself, but I go out and do stuff as
someone must. We've turned our lives around by supporting each other. When
we met, I was a train wreck and he was living almost identical to how you
described. Single 7 yrs, no kids etc. I already had kids. He got outside his
comfort zone to come meet me and we hit it off. In our mid-30's, we fell for
each other and now have a 2 year old son! Neither of us could ever have
predicted or hoped for so amazing an outcome. We both still have high
anxiety levels, but life gets better all the time. Do small stuff, once in a
while. Nothing can change until you do that- but don't feel you need to push
yourself really hard! Neither of us, by the way, have taken any medication
since we got together, and neither of us want any! We also went through a
ton of different 'treatments'...but loving support and just accepting that
we don't 'play well with others' has helped greatly. I wish you the very
very best of luck. Remember that there's hope for a new future for anybody,
if there was for us!
Post by mstfan
My name is Sam and I've had anxiety and depression for over 12 years.
I'm not sure where to start, so I guess I will tell you my current
Right now I am in my mid 30's and have been homebound for about 4 years.
I have all traits of a person with severe anxiety, panic attacks, social
phobia, agoraphobia, etc.
I have a problem with everything to do with going out anywhere and doing
anything outside the house. I have not been out driving on the highway in
all that time because of these severe panic attacks that scare the living
hell out of me. Since I live out here in the middle of nowhere in the
country, things are very far away. I drive to the local post office or to
get gas for my car, but even that can be a big ordeal.
Over the years I tried medications like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and Klonpin,
which have done nothing for me since I don't like taking pills in the
Post by mstfan
place. Recently my doctor just tried to push Effexor on me and I had a
horrible reaction to (and that has freaked me out now for the past 3
Post by mstfan
which I think was mostly me. I just don't like taking something that is
going to alter me against my will. I would just like to try and tackle
Post by mstfan
problem without it.
I have seen a few doctors over the past concerning this problem and not
Post by mstfan
of them was helpful. Yes, they were all nice to talk to, but none of them
had any expertise in dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. I've tried
Post by mstfan
find help groups or doctors that specialize in dealing with this problem.I
found one in Boston, but that's about a 4 hour drive from me and I haven't
been on the highway in the past 4 years.
I don't have a girlfriend and I was never married. In fact, right now I
live in my parent's basement, which is so humiliating at my age, which is
also why I really don't talk or socialize with many people. I moved up
Post by mstfan
about 6 years ago after losing my job with a big company that I stayed
Post by mstfan
for 10 years. I came to live with my parents while I went back to college
to get a bachelor degree in business. After 2 years, I started having
severe panic attack problems, but it wasn't my first time having a panic
problem or being homebound.
The first time I had a panic attack problem and being homebound was when I
was in my early 20's. I was at work and when it hit me I thought I was a
relapse of my asthma, which I haven't had in years. I ran to the doctor's
office in the building, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me at
all. In the end, I had to take sick leave from work for 3 months to try
Post by mstfan
recover from being homebound. In the end, the only way I was able to
recover was on my own. I ended up pushing myself on a bike everyday to
Post by mstfan
father and father away from home until I was ready to go back to work.
actually worked, but I had so much more energy then. Now I fell totally
depleted after having a panic attack. I don't enjoy biking anymore and
besides I don't have one or the money to get one. I know I should
Post by mstfan
but when I do and my heart starts beating,
I don't have a job since I have such a hard time to leave home. I have no
idea what to do with my life at this point. It's a mid-life crisis for
Post by mstfan
I don't want to go back to an office job or work for a corporation since I
got totally screwed in my last job where I busted my ass for 10 years. I
just don't trust them and I would hate to go back to a place where I would
have to sit in long meetings or training classes, which always drove my
anxiety to such high levels. But I can't do anything unless I get over
Post by mstfan
I've been trying to find work out of home or maybe somehow start my own
business at home. I tried selling things on ebay, but that didn't work
Post by mstfan
too well. If anyone knows of any good home jobs, please let me know.
So right now I am medication free. I quit smoking about 3 years ago (cold
turkey without medications) since that started to bother me also. I don't
drink either although I used to have a few beers once in a while, but now
Post by mstfan
just don't like the lightheaded feeling I get from it. I don't sleep very
long.about 5 or 6 hours at the most with little mini naps during the day.
Post by mstfan
don't sit around and watch cable TV all day since it makes me feel like
Post by mstfan
wasting time, although I do enjoy a good video game once in while to take
Post by mstfan
mind off of things, or read a book. Lately I find that writing seems to
Post by mstfan
very helpful as well.
Anyway, I know I am carrying on way too much here, but I was wondering if
there are any people out there that are homebound as well. I know that
Post by mstfan
not the only one, but I would sure like to find someone that is so we can
chat. Maybe we can help each other out of this.
If anyone can suggest anything to help out, please post any responses.
Thanks again and take care everyone.
2004-09-20 05:50:01 UTC
I wanted to say that I read your respond here and I want you to know
that I think you have done alot of self work and I agree with your
gratitude list and doing small stuff daily Exercise is important too
Just alittle helps I also deal with anxiety and panic daily and have
done best with 10mg. of Paxil. 20 or 30mg. daily makes me relaxed, but
sometimes too calm to motivate myself to do things. Thanks
2004-09-28 02:17:40 UTC
Hi Sam, how are you? We seem to be in the same boat.Your story
is so sad, so is mine.Iwas wondering if things are better for you
without pills. I was also on klonipin for many years. I finally broke
the addiction.I have panic attacks, Im not homebound, but i do spend
most of my time home. I think everything bores me. Im also in my 30's,
thats the worst part. I feel like I spent most of my life
trying,doing,then stopping, then trying again, then stopping for even
longer periods of time.Stopping life that is. I'm not saying I wasted a
lot of years, but I am saying I want the rest of my life to better. So
Im taking little steps. HEY, yOU KNOW WHAT, thats how I got out of the
house. Take little baby steps. One step at a time. I think your doing
preety good Sam. You said ,you came off pills, and you quit smoking. It
seems like your challenging yourself. It also sounds like your holding
yourself down. I wonder why we do that ? Fear of failure, or fear of
success. I chained myself down to, I guess Im just not ready to get up.
However, ready or not sometimes we have to put our fears a side, and
Brenda G. Kent
2004-10-12 19:26:50 UTC
Yes side effects are a bugger...but why do so many people go off their
meds? Should diabetics do this? I don't think so. I believe in
medication...just find the right one! I know a guy who is bi-polar and
loves to go off his meds...only to end up in the mental hospital and then
back on his meds. It's a disorder like any other....no need to feel
embarrassed about it or to think you can just pretend it does not exist.

My mum has to check her blood sugar...
I have to take my meds....

no biggie.
"For a person's a person

No matter how small"

-Dr. Suess
2004-10-14 01:52:59 UTC
Bi-Polar folks do what they do because letting themselves get manic is
like getting high and although they may do wacky things , they feel
great when they are manic. This isnt a very used group is it ?On Tue,
Post by Brenda G. Kent
Yes side effects are a bugger...but why do so many people go off their
meds? Should diabetics do this? I don't think so. I believe in
medication...just find the right one! I know a guy who is bi-polar and
loves to go off his meds...only to end up in the mental hospital and then
back on his meds. It's a disorder like any other....no need to feel
embarrassed about it or to think you can just pretend it does not exist.
My mum has to check her blood sugar...
I have to take my meds....
no biggie.
2004-10-14 05:54:04 UTC
alt.support.anxiety-panic is a more active newsgroup.

Post by bubba
Bi-Polar folks do what they do because letting themselves get manic is
like getting high and although they may do wacky things , they feel
great when they are manic. This isnt a very used group is it ?On Tue,
Post by Brenda G. Kent
Yes side effects are a bugger...but why do so many people go off their
meds? Should diabetics do this? I don't think so. I believe in
medication...just find the right one! I know a guy who is bi-polar and
loves to go off his meds...only to end up in the mental hospital and then
back on his meds. It's a disorder like any other....no need to feel
embarrassed about it or to think you can just pretend it does not exist.
My mum has to check her blood sugar...
I have to take my meds....
no biggie.
Guy in Norway
2004-10-02 20:27:00 UTC
Wow, it was encouraging to read this. Yes, love and support go a long way.
Much better than meds...

Post by Mydarkside
Don't give up and don't assume things won't change. When I met my husband,
he was about where you are now. He still hates leaving the house, but we're
both doing training so we'll be able one day to do 'IT' stuff from home. I
have a large amount of social anxiety myself, but I go out and do stuff as
someone must. We've turned our lives around by supporting each other. When
we met, I was a train wreck and he was living almost identical to how you
described. Single 7 yrs, no kids etc. I already had kids. He got outside his
comfort zone to come meet me and we hit it off. In our mid-30's, we fell for
each other and now have a 2 year old son! Neither of us could ever have
predicted or hoped for so amazing an outcome. We both still have high
anxiety levels, but life gets better all the time. Do small stuff, once in a
while. Nothing can change until you do that- but don't feel you need to push
yourself really hard! Neither of us, by the way, have taken any medication
since we got together, and neither of us want any! We also went through a
ton of different 'treatments'...but loving support and just accepting that
we don't 'play well with others' has helped greatly. I wish you the very
very best of luck. Remember that there's hope for a new future for anybody,
if there was for us!
Post by mstfan
My name is Sam and I've had anxiety and depression for over 12 years.
I'm not sure where to start, so I guess I will tell you my current
Right now I am in my mid 30's and have been homebound for about 4 years.
I have all traits of a person with severe anxiety, panic attacks, social
phobia, agoraphobia, etc.
I have a problem with everything to do with going out anywhere and doing
anything outside the house. I have not been out driving on the highway in
all that time because of these severe panic attacks that scare the living
hell out of me. Since I live out here in the middle of nowhere in the
country, things are very far away. I drive to the local post office or to
get gas for my car, but even that can be a big ordeal.
Over the years I tried medications like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and Klonpin,
which have done nothing for me since I don't like taking pills in the
Post by mstfan
place. Recently my doctor just tried to push Effexor on me and I had a
horrible reaction to (and that has freaked me out now for the past 3
Post by mstfan
which I think was mostly me. I just don't like taking something that is
going to alter me against my will. I would just like to try and tackle
Post by mstfan
problem without it.
I have seen a few doctors over the past concerning this problem and not
Post by mstfan
of them was helpful. Yes, they were all nice to talk to, but none of them
had any expertise in dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. I've tried
Post by mstfan
find help groups or doctors that specialize in dealing with this problem.I
found one in Boston, but that's about a 4 hour drive from me and I haven't
been on the highway in the past 4 years.
I don't have a girlfriend and I was never married. In fact, right now I
live in my parent's basement, which is so humiliating at my age, which is
also why I really don't talk or socialize with many people. I moved up
Post by mstfan
about 6 years ago after losing my job with a big company that I stayed
Post by mstfan
for 10 years. I came to live with my parents while I went back to college
to get a bachelor degree in business. After 2 years, I started having
severe panic attack problems, but it wasn't my first time having a panic
problem or being homebound.
The first time I had a panic attack problem and being homebound was when I
was in my early 20's. I was at work and when it hit me I thought I was a
relapse of my asthma, which I haven't had in years. I ran to the doctor's
office in the building, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me at
all. In the end, I had to take sick leave from work for 3 months to try
Post by mstfan
recover from being homebound. In the end, the only way I was able to
recover was on my own. I ended up pushing myself on a bike everyday to
Post by mstfan
father and father away from home until I was ready to go back to work.
actually worked, but I had so much more energy then. Now I fell totally
depleted after having a panic attack. I don't enjoy biking anymore and
besides I don't have one or the money to get one. I know I should
Post by mstfan
but when I do and my heart starts beating,
I don't have a job since I have such a hard time to leave home. I have no
idea what to do with my life at this point. It's a mid-life crisis for
Post by mstfan
I don't want to go back to an office job or work for a corporation since I
got totally screwed in my last job where I busted my ass for 10 years.
just don't trust them and I would hate to go back to a place where I would
have to sit in long meetings or training classes, which always drove my
anxiety to such high levels. But I can't do anything unless I get over
Post by mstfan
I've been trying to find work out of home or maybe somehow start my own
business at home. I tried selling things on ebay, but that didn't work
Post by mstfan
too well. If anyone knows of any good home jobs, please let me know.
So right now I am medication free. I quit smoking about 3 years ago (cold
turkey without medications) since that started to bother me also. I don't
drink either although I used to have a few beers once in a while, but
Post by mstfan
just don't like the lightheaded feeling I get from it. I don't sleep very
long.about 5 or 6 hours at the most with little mini naps during the day.
Post by mstfan
don't sit around and watch cable TV all day since it makes me feel like
Post by mstfan
wasting time, although I do enjoy a good video game once in while to
Post by mstfan
mind off of things, or read a book. Lately I find that writing seems to
Post by mstfan
very helpful as well.
Anyway, I know I am carrying on way too much here, but I was wondering if
there are any people out there that are homebound as well. I know that
Post by mstfan
not the only one, but I would sure like to find someone that is so we can
chat. Maybe we can help each other out of this.
If anyone can suggest anything to help out, please post any responses.
Thanks again and take care everyone.
s a n i j a n 1 1 4 (the at sign) y a h o o (the dot) no
Joe Litzinger
2004-09-22 21:53:52 UTC
hi sam, i suffer from anxiety and depression. i don't drive so i spend
allot of time around the apartment. if it wasn't for webtv and cable,
i'd go crazier. my doctor upped my paxil just a couple days ago to help
with panic attacks. plus she wants me to phase out caffeine. cause i
drink allot of coffee. i get about one attack a week. sometimes they
last 2 days. feel free to email me if you want to. i'll write back if
you do.

2004-09-23 21:54:00 UTC
hi there, My name is Christina, and I think I am suffering from panic disorder.
I feel like I am going to die alot, maybe its due to drinking a lot of soda. My
heart races and I get shaky and get naseous. Let me know how your doing with
your disorder.
Guy in Norway
2004-10-02 20:25:24 UTC
Post by mstfan
Anyway, I know I am carrying on way too much here, but I was wondering if
there are any people out there that are homebound as well. I know that I'm
not the only one, but I would sure like to find someone that is so we can
chat. Maybe we can help each other out of this.
If anyone can suggest anything to help out, please post any responses.
Thanks again and take care everyone.

I'm homebound too and can relate to a lot of what you wrote. I have
anxiety all the time. I don't know what exactly it is I am afraid of but
it feels like something terrible will happen any moment. It's really
f***ing crazy.

Like you, I don't like taking medications. I've cut most of it out with
good results. Also like you I'm living at my parents' place and partially
dependent on them for money. It is quite humiliating but on the other hand
I can't expect myself to go out there and get my life together overnight,
can I?!!?

It's too bad you haven't found a good doctor who can help but I guess it
doesnt really matter. At the end of the day they all suck and we have to
do the work ourselves anyway. Well maybe there are some good doctors out
there but I always end up hating them.

s a n i j a n 1 1 4 (the at sign) y a h o o (the dot) no
2004-11-01 06:42:19 UTC
Hi Sam,

Have you tried www.beatinganxiety.com?

Post by mstfan
My name is Sam and I've had anxiety and depression for over 12 years.
I'm not sure where to start, so I guess I will tell you my current
Right now I am in my mid 30's and have been homebound for about 4 years.
I have all traits of a person with severe anxiety, panic attacks, social
phobia, agoraphobia, etc.
I have a problem with everything to do with going out anywhere and doing
anything outside the house. I have not been out driving on the highway in
all that time because of these severe panic attacks that scare the living
hell out of me. Since I live out here in the middle of nowhere in the
country, things are very far away. I drive to the local post office or to
get gas for my car, but even that can be a big ordeal.
Over the years I tried medications like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and Klonpin,
which have done nothing for me since I don't like taking pills in the first
place. Recently my doctor just tried to push Effexor on me and I had a
horrible reaction to (and that has freaked me out now for the past 3 weeks),
which I think was mostly me. I just don't like taking something that is
going to alter me against my will. I would just like to try and tackle this
problem without it.
I have seen a few doctors over the past concerning this problem and not one
of them was helpful. Yes, they were all nice to talk to, but none of them
had any expertise in dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. I've tried to
find help groups or doctors that specialize in dealing with this problem.I
found one in Boston, but that's about a 4 hour drive from me and I haven't
been on the highway in the past 4 years.
I don't have a girlfriend and I was never married. In fact, right now I
live in my parent's basement, which is so humiliating at my age, which is
also why I really don't talk or socialize with many people. I moved up here
about 6 years ago after losing my job with a big company that I stayed with
for 10 years. I came to live with my parents while I went back to college
to get a bachelor degree in business. After 2 years, I started having
severe panic attack problems, but it wasn't my first time having a panic
problem or being homebound.
The first time I had a panic attack problem and being homebound was when I
was in my early 20's. I was at work and when it hit me I thought I was a
relapse of my asthma, which I haven't had in years. I ran to the doctor's
office in the building, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me at
all. In the end, I had to take sick leave from work for 3 months to try and
recover from being homebound. In the end, the only way I was able to
recover was on my own. I ended up pushing myself on a bike everyday to get
father and father away from home until I was ready to go back to work. It
actually worked, but I had so much more energy then. Now I fell totally
depleted after having a panic attack. I don't enjoy biking anymore and
besides I don't have one or the money to get one. I know I should exercise,
but when I do and my heart starts beating,
I don't have a job since I have such a hard time to leave home. I have no
idea what to do with my life at this point. It's a mid-life crisis for me.
I don't want to go back to an office job or work for a corporation since I
got totally screwed in my last job where I busted my ass for 10 years. I
just don't trust them and I would hate to go back to a place where I would
have to sit in long meetings or training classes, which always drove my
anxiety to such high levels. But I can't do anything unless I get over this
I've been trying to find work out of home or maybe somehow start my own
business at home. I tried selling things on ebay, but that didn't work out
too well. If anyone knows of any good home jobs, please let me know.
So right now I am medication free. I quit smoking about 3 years ago (cold
turkey without medications) since that started to bother me also. I don't
drink either although I used to have a few beers once in a while, but now I
just don't like the lightheaded feeling I get from it. I don't sleep very
long.about 5 or 6 hours at the most with little mini naps during the day.
Post by mstfan
don't sit around and watch cable TV all day since it makes me feel like I'm
wasting time, although I do enjoy a good video game once in while to take my
mind off of things, or read a book. Lately I find that writing seems to be
very helpful as well.
Anyway, I know I am carrying on way too much here, but I was wondering if
there are any people out there that are homebound as well. I know that I'm
not the only one, but I would sure like to find someone that is so we can
chat. Maybe we can help each other out of this.
If anyone can suggest anything to help out, please post any responses.
Thanks again and take care everyone.
2004-11-03 03:12:06 UTC
Hi Sam , My name is ARIA , You have a very painful story . My
story is also painful . Ive always had anxiety attacks ,
Medication hasnt worked for me either . I do spend most of my time
at home whear I feel safe . Im really not sure what brought me to
this point in life . I guess this is just something I have to go
through . I dont have anyone around me that notices this as a
disorder . I did have a hard life ,and I think my past is what
brought me to this point . I have a hard time doing normal things also
The more I push myself , the better I feel . I am at a point in
my life whear I do know things have to change . Sometimes ,I feel that
if I could just have the right person by my side it would be easier .
I give you credit for trying to fix your anxiety without pills . That
shows you have a lot of courage . I guess there are no short cuts in
life, and if you really want something you have to work hard for it .
I often use visualization techniqes . I try to see myself feeling
free from worry and anxiety . I picture myself doing things without a
problem . I just recently started picturing my future as I wish it
to be .Who knows maybe dreams do come true . A positive attitude cant
hurt . Anyway , I think you have a lot of courage and , a strong
will . I think your doing the right thing , your not taking any
shortcuts . Its obvious your not just looking for a temporary fix .
If you could get to the root of the problem ,you will have an easier
time fixing it . Just remember, positive thoughts, determination.
faith, and patience are the important ingredients . I want so desperatly
to break free from these handcuffs I put on myself .The truth is I am
ready to break free . I think I tortured myself enough . Im not getting
any younger either .I have an undeniable determination to put a lot of
happiness in my life .I do beleive life is a comedy and a tragedy . I
paid my dues . Its time to laugh a little !
2004-11-03 18:12:06 UTC
Hi Sam:

No, I am not homebound, yet. If it weren't for Xanax, I am sure
that I would be. Panic attacks were far and few between when I was
18-25. That's when it started and I am 40 now.
However, each year they became worse until now it's constant. I
have had a lot of tragedy's occur in my life (which I will not go
into, but death's, etc). However, I work full time, a very stressful
job, plus caring for an ill parent in the evening. My anxiety is
mostly the fear of fear. That's how I see it. I have tried therapy
and breathing techniques which help somewhat. If you take a very deep
breath through your nose, hold it for several seconds and slowly
exhale through your mouth it is calming. Not too much or two fast.
I have a terrible fear of meeting new people, so I avoid parties,
invites, etc. Which increases the anxiety because I really want to do
these things. I constantly find fault with myself, etc. I think a
way to help yourself with generalized anxiety is to remember you are
just a person, (look around at everyone) and people have their own
issues they are worried about and are not judging you. I wish there
were more research on this because most od the med's I have tried,
Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, & Lexapro do not seem to help at all. Maybe
the depression, but not the anxiety. I wonder if any of these doctors
have it? I would think some do. I do not the longer you stay out of
touch with the world the harder it is to jump back in.
2004-11-06 03:57:20 UTC
could you please take that off , I cant handle it this way .
I CANT ,and I dont want to. PLEASE
2004-11-06 21:55:07 UTC
Hi SAM , This post is my only hope . COULD YOU PLEASE CALL ,YOU
2004-11-21 16:07:09 UTC
Dont run , You could hurt yourself that way , and me too

2004-11-07 00:10:56 UTC
YOU BROKE MY HEART.......................