Anyone have others in family with panic disorder?
(too old to reply)
2004-11-13 19:19:49 UTC
I kinda stumbled across this group today.
I have panic attacks and my mother did also. I was wondering if any here
have other family members with this.
2004-11-15 20:42:54 UTC
Hi Just me.

Yes, I do, I believe my mother did (but hid it) and I know my
grandmother had some form of mentla illiness. However, my daughter
has started recently having them about the same age I started with
them. I also have a brother that suffers from them.
Post by JUST ME
I kinda stumbled across this group today.
I have panic attacks and my mother did also. I was wondering if any here
have other family members with this.
Brenda G. Kent
2004-11-24 03:57:29 UTC
Yes my brother (only a 17 months difference in age) has it also. His
manifests somewhat different than mine however.

"On a withered branch,
a crow has now alighted.
Nightfall in autumn."
-- Basho, 1679
2004-11-29 02:53:09 UTC
Post by JUST ME
I kinda stumbled across this group today.
I have panic attacks and my mother did also. I was wondering if any here
have other family members with this.
Yup. Can't recall the percentage, but if one family member has been
diagnosed with PD there is a significantly greater chance that other
family members will get it as well, compared to the general population.

My family? Myself, my mother, one of her sisters, grandmother. Probably
3 male uncles as well who were heavily into "self medication" -
alcoholics. All on the maternal side of the family line.

2004-12-11 00:37:30 UTC
Post by JUST ME
I kinda stumbled across this group today.
I have panic attacks and my mother did also. I was wondering if any here
have other family members with this.
Yes, unfortunately, it runs in my family.

