New self help online communities/Discussion forums
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Vicki Sawyer
2004-10-20 00:50:37 UTC
Hello all,
I've recently set up a coaching resource site, and am currently
working on the discussion forum component. The idea is to have a pool
of coaches available to answer specific questions on a variety of
topics. I have coaches, now I need the variety of topics. ;-) If any
of you would be interested in hearing a coach's point of view, feel
free to post your questions in the forums under Meeting of the Minds
at http://www.coachinghub.com Of course, if you are not a coach but
would still like to offer insight, general discussion is also
encouraged. There are a several subject areas, but if you have ideas
for others, you can let me know via the coachinghub site.
Hope you all enjoy it.
2004-10-20 04:16:57 UTC
In the small print on your site. looks like you have to pay at some point to
get a coach. looks like spam to me. discussiions may be free - but just for
a while or limited involvement..
Post by Vicki Sawyer
Hello all,
I've recently set up a coaching resource site, and am currently
working on the discussion forum component. The idea is to have a pool
of coaches available to answer specific questions on a variety of
topics. I have coaches, now I need the variety of topics. ;-) If any
of you would be interested in hearing a coach's point of view, feel
free to post your questions in the forums under Meeting of the Minds
at http://www.coachinghub.com Of course, if you are not a coach but
would still like to offer insight, general discussion is also
encouraged. There are a several subject areas, but if you have ideas
for others, you can let me know via the coachinghub site.
Hope you all enjoy it.