I'm I having axiety attacks?!?
(too old to reply)
2006-02-13 01:29:37 UTC
Hi all,

I'm a 34 yo male, healthy, fit, got what I consider to be a pretty good
life, and generally happy!

However, I've noticed lately (about 1 year now) that during conversations,
my ears sometimes get real hot and red.

It's quite embarrasing and it's kinda making me stay out of social
situations. I don't understand it. I've never been like this before. I'd
say anything anytime and feel confident. But lately, my confidence isn't
where it used to be.

I wish I knew what the problem was. I've done some basic research, and it
appears that not much is known about this condition (no fix for it either).

I notice it mostly happens when a lot of attention is on me (during a
conversation) and I know the people. In front of a group of strangers,
well, I might as well be Jerry Seinfeld in front of a crowd of 2000!
(basically confident).

It's starting to get to me, enough so that I'm here posting about it!! It's
starting to crack my self confidence, and I hope not into my self esteem.

Is this an anxiety attack of sorts?

2006-02-14 00:25:51 UTC
haha... too funny...

I just realized that my Subject title doesn't make sense!! No wonder my
ears turn red, my fingers/mouth are faster than my brain!!

AM I having anxiety attacks SHOULD be the title.

Cheers ;)
2006-02-21 01:08:29 UTC
it could be a little social anxiety. are you afraid of looking bad or
what others think of you? symptoms manifest themselves in various ways.
2006-03-03 01:34:54 UTC
It sounds to me like you're blushing! There's a difference between being
embarrased or experiencing situationally appropriate anxiety and having
panic attacks. This sounds like a pretty normal response.
Post by M.R.S.
Hi all,
I'm a 34 yo male, healthy, fit, got what I consider to be a pretty good
life, and generally happy!
However, I've noticed lately (about 1 year now) that during conversations,
my ears sometimes get real hot and red.
It's quite embarrasing and it's kinda making me stay out of social
situations. I don't understand it. I've never been like this before.
I'd say anything anytime and feel confident. But lately, my confidence
isn't where it used to be.
I wish I knew what the problem was. I've done some basic research, and it
appears that not much is known about this condition (no fix for it either).
I notice it mostly happens when a lot of attention is on me (during a
conversation) and I know the people. In front of a group of strangers,
well, I might as well be Jerry Seinfeld in front of a crowd of 2000!
(basically confident).
It's starting to get to me, enough so that I'm here posting about it!!
It's starting to crack my self confidence, and I hope not into my self
Is this an anxiety attack of sorts?