breaking out of my shell
(too old to reply)
2004-07-03 00:08:19 UTC
how can a person break out of there shell and let go of socail worries and
fears can anyone sugest exercises types of the theripy that will help me do
this i have problems expresing emmotions and relaxing in public situations
btw the drugs that do this simply arnt an option for me
Major Zoloft
2004-07-03 01:26:09 UTC
If you can see a psychologist, do so. That can help you understand your

You can try some self-help books, such as Dr. David Burns' "Feeling Good
- The New Mood Therapy." I developed depression and anxiety last Fall
and that book helped me a lot.

The Major
Post by do
how can a person break out of there shell and let go of socail worries and
fears can anyone sugest exercises types of the theripy that will help me do
this i have problems expresing emmotions and relaxing in public situations
btw the drugs that do this simply arnt an option for me
2004-07-09 14:28:55 UTC
A psychologist is the key. Something called Cmap therapy ( I think) You
confront your fears a little at a time , no jumping into the deep end right
away. Eventually scary stuff starts to be normal stuff. I january I couldnt
go to church, now Im in the choir.Howz that for recovery, and Im down to 10
mg celexa/ day, soon to be off al together.
Post by do
how can a person break out of there shell and let go of socail worries and
fears can anyone sugest exercises types of the theripy that will help me do
this i have problems expresing emmotions and relaxing in public situations
btw the drugs that do this simply arnt an option for me
Anon E. Moose
2004-07-05 04:34:15 UTC
Post by do
how can a person break out of there shell and let go of socail worries and
fears can anyone sugest exercises types of the theripy that will help me do
this i have problems expresing emmotions and relaxing in public situations
btw the drugs that do this simply arnt an option for me
I have a book entitled _The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook_ by Edmund J.
Bourne, Ph.D.

I've found it to be very helpful.

2004-07-05 05:38:33 UTC
On Sun, 04 Jul 2004 21:34:15 -0700, "Anon E. Moose"
Post by Anon E. Moose
Post by do
how can a person break out of there shell and let go of socail worries and
fears can anyone sugest exercises types of the theripy that will help me do
this i have problems expresing emmotions and relaxing in public situations
btw the drugs that do this simply arnt an option for me
I have a book entitled _The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook_ by Edmund J.
Bourne, Ph.D.
I've found it to be very helpful.
Hi Jim,
When I first saw my psychiatrist in 1995 that book was part of my
homework. I found it very helpful in helping me understand my
Zoogar, ruler of the Zerg
2004-07-05 04:21:22 UTC
Post by do
how can a person break out of there shell and let go of socail worries and
<insert ?>

you have to figure this out for yourself.
Post by do
can anyone sugest exercises types of the theripy that will help me
do this
your major problem in life is that you are an uneducated stupid person.

you need to fix this if you can.
Post by do
i have problems expresing emmotions and relaxing in public situations
drink alcohol. that will help relax you.
Post by do
btw the drugs that do this simply arnt an option for me
well then you are truly fucked.

have you considered suicide as an option?

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Fam Gly
2004-07-15 20:25:48 UTC
Post by do
how can a person break out of there shell and let go of socail worries and
fears can anyone sugest exercises types of the theripy that will help me do
this i have problems expresing emmotions and relaxing in public situations

I think I can really relate to your situation.

Because of my own insecurities, failures, and oversensitivities, problems with
coping and inflammatory comments made by others caused me to retreat into a
shell ("a box"). I was also fearful of encountering stressful situations and
was very self-absorbed.

Going to church alone was not enough to remedy the situation. What worked for
me was to spend lots of time alone and pouring out All of my feelings and
complaints to God myself. Everything. No matter how ridiculous it sounded. And
asked for His help, forgiveness, and praised His name daily. Tell God how great
He is and He gives you favor. Tell Him thanks for what you have.

I can't tell you exactly when my shell disappeared, but over a short time I
noticed I could more express myself more freely, became more aggressive, and
was no longer easily wounded no matter what others said.

No drugs, no doctor appointments, no therapy. Free relief and mercy.

Need a better way to cope?
Find answers at http://www.powertochange.com/
Victor W.
2004-07-20 00:09:29 UTC
Post by do
how can a person break out of there shell and let go of socail worries and
fears can anyone sugest exercises types of the theripy that will help me do
this i have problems expresing emmotions and relaxing in public situations
btw the drugs that do this simply arnt an option for me
As a member of a 12 step group, I got involved in service, Hospitals and
Institutions for starters. And, when I was new to the fellowship, I got
a coffee committment. I needed something that got me out of my head,
and into positive action with others. A trick my first sponsor did was
to take me to some meetings way out of town, then not let me back into
the car unless I had at least 3 phone numbers. Another friend of mine
who I had confided my insecurities to, grabbed me, and made me stand at
the door and welcome everyone at the meeting and hug them. He also made
me raise my hand to share at every meeting until I got picked. He said
it wasn't my responsibility to be chosen, just to keep raising my hand.
The underlying principle that was at work in my early recovery was
committment. Good luck, and don't kill yourself, you probably would be
killing someone you did not know...
