Daily worry about getting PAs since they have returned
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2005-03-10 18:00:49 UTC

Since my panic attacks have returned I worry daily about feeling faint and
having panic attacks.

The last couple of weeks a wave of faintness overcomes me and then I get in
a state. This seems to be the pattern of my life. I'm really despondent as
this feeling is new to me. I've suffered from pas for many years but since
it has returned after not having any for 6 months I'm freaked out.

Saw a CBT but can only see him in April again. He said he will help me cope
in these situations.

Also went back to my GP and she says she ran the necessary tests on me. The
fainting feelings are panic related. The more I worry the more I am going
to experience them. But then why get it at a moment when I'm relaxed and
it's not on my mind???

Am taking 0.5 clonazepam daily but I don't think it's helping. It's always
helped in the past though. I was on a quarter of 0.5 daily for a very long
time and coping. Is it normal to go through phases like this???

Also hurt my back so not feeling too great. Felt a bit anxious at the
physiotherapist today. Weird.

Thanks for all replies.

2005-03-10 20:27:57 UTC
Post by Kim
Since my panic attacks have returned I worry daily about feeling faint and
having panic attacks.
The last couple of weeks a wave of faintness overcomes me and then I get in
a state. This seems to be the pattern of my life. I'm really despondent as
this feeling is new to me. I've suffered from pas for many years but since
it has returned after not having any for 6 months I'm freaked out.
Saw a CBT but can only see him in April again. He said he will help me cope
in these situations.
Also went back to my GP and she says she ran the necessary tests on me. The
fainting feelings are panic related. The more I worry the more I am going
to experience them. But then why get it at a moment when I'm relaxed and
it's not on my mind???
Am taking 0.5 clonazepam daily but I don't think it's helping. It's always
helped in the past though. I was on a quarter of 0.5 daily for a very long
time and coping. Is it normal to go through phases like this???
Also hurt my back so not feeling too great. Felt a bit anxious at the
physiotherapist today. Weird.
Thanks for all replies.
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Hi Kim -

Sorry to hear that the panic attacks have returned after a period of
relief from them. I know from my own experience how frustrating and
disappointing that is. I don't know if it's "normal" but my anxiety
and panic attacks come and go. I enjoy stretches as long as months
and even up to as much as a couple of years where anxiety and panic
hardly bother me at all, then BAM! I don't know what changes, but
suddenly I go over the cliff and I'm tumbling through it all over
again. Yuck!

As for the faint feelings, they are unpleasant, but if you're not
actually fainting, then you probably don't need to add worry on top
of the unpleasantness of the experience itself. I'm not sure if you
are talking about the same kind of feeling I get: kind of a light
headedness, and an eery feeling of not quite being completely
physically present in whatever situation I'm in - kinda like my
consciousness has slipped out the back of my head and is hanging
around out there instead of securely under my skull behind my eyes
where it belongs. While it's probably best not to drive in this
state if you can avoid it, I find that aside from having to put up
the creepy unpleasantness of those episodes, I'm actually able to
function quite normally through them. I've never actually fainted,
or acted out in some unusual manner that would make others think
something is wrong - although it feels for all the world like that's
exactly what's about to happen.

I don't want to sound casual about these experiences. They're awful,
and I hate them. But after having had a gazzillion of them over the
years, I've figured out that they don't hurt me aside from making me
feel anxious and lousy.

As for getting such experiences when you are relaxed and not
worrying about them, I asked my p-doc about that once. His response
was that "in layman's terms, your brainstem burps." It's not
necessarily a reaction to what you're thinking or feeling or to
what's going on around you. They don't necessarily happen for any
reason that you have any control over. The trick is to learn how not
to over-react to them, to think calmly, breath properly, relax, and
behave constructively through them. All of which certainly isn't as
swell as just not having them, but life is manageable with them.
It's kinda crappy, but hey, in the end, I never do faint, and
eventually my consciousness nestles back comfortably inside my head.

I don't suppose any of this helps. But what you described sounds a
lot like what I go through from time to time so I figured I'd share.
Hope all goes well for you.

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2005-03-21 08:09:29 UTC
Hi Kim!

How are you coping at present?

I feel for you as I know how scary such PAs can be.
I have had such on & off for several years, as well as 'Generalized Anxiety
problems at times.

What I now realize however, is that such problems are quite treatable, &
curable! There really is a light at the end of the tunnel. And such
treatments do not necessarily mean popping a pill, although these at times
have their place.

I have read a few books in my search for relief, & found one in particular
that has brought tremendous relief.
I know now that I can completely remove these problems from my life, -
However, it does take a little work & application.

The Book, - if you can find it, is entitled:
"Anxiety & Panic Attacks: Their Cause And Cure. Author Robert Handley with
Pauline Neff. published by Ballantine Books. USA.
"A simple five step program that will help you:*Conquer fear *Reduce or
eliminate anxiety. *End stress related illness * Change bad habits (that
cause Panic ) and more - without drugs or expensive therapy!

I cannot recommend it highly enough!

Hope you can find it! Feel free to quiz me, or just to chat.
