Beating Anxiety - It's all in your mind
(too old to reply)
2004-11-01 06:54:01 UTC
Hello there,
I just want to let everyone know of a great new book out there that has
helped me tremendeously. I have suffered from anxiety, panic and depression
for 12 years. This book has helped me find the way out. You can find it at
http://www.beatinganxiety.com . It is pretty cheap when compared to other
offerings on the net. Give it a try. It may be just the right thing for you.

What I really like about it is that is gives you the whole picture on
anxiety and panic attacks. The reason why this book works so well is that is
was written by a former patient. He does a great job in giving IMMEDIATE
steps in preventing panic attacks as well to give long term steps that we
need, to change our condition FOREVER and for better. This book just worked
wonders for me.....hope it helps you too.

Patrick D.
Brenda G. Kent
2004-11-01 19:42:25 UTC
and if your panic anxiety comes from a chemical disorder in your brain?

No one asks a person without a leg that it is all in their mind. These
kind of books may be helpful to some..but it also makes some folks believe
that they are just not working "hard at it enough" and that it is their
fault that they are not getting better. Some of us have chemical reasons
behind the panic disorder....yes working on it from one way may help...but
it does not cure everyone.


just another view.
"For a person's a person

No matter how small"

-Dr. Suess
2004-11-06 23:27:50 UTC

Don;t get fooled about the book's title. The author clearly states that it
is a chemical balance in the brain. But how you get to the point of panic
attack is "all in your mind".

Post by Brenda G. Kent
and if your panic anxiety comes from a chemical disorder in your brain?
No one asks a person without a leg that it is all in their mind. These
kind of books may be helpful to some..but it also makes some folks believe
that they are just not working "hard at it enough" and that it is their
fault that they are not getting better. Some of us have chemical reasons
behind the panic disorder....yes working on it from one way may help...but
it does not cure everyone.
just another view.
"For a person's a person
No matter how small"
-Dr. Suess