Calming Techniques
(too old to reply)
2004-10-09 13:47:57 UTC
Some times my mind races and I want to quiet things down. So I take deep
breaths and try to focus on a peaceful setting. Does anyone know of any
additional ways to "calm my mind down" (not interested in drugs).


2004-10-23 18:16:16 UTC
This helps if you have access to a swimming pool.

get yourself a pair of "goggles & snorkles", then go into the pool. Go to a
depth that places the water right over your head when you sit.

Just sit under the water for any amount of time, 10min, 20min 30min and
hour. Just sit there, you'd be amazed to see how that works.
Post by David
Some times my mind races and I want to quiet things down. So I take deep
breaths and try to focus on a peaceful setting. Does anyone know of any
additional ways to "calm my mind down" (not interested in drugs).
2004-11-04 04:04:21 UTC
Hi David,

I invite you to post your question at http://www.askxperts.com

It's a free expert community where your questions are send to experts.

Post by David
Some times my mind races and I want to quiet things down. So I take deep
breaths and try to focus on a peaceful setting. Does anyone know of any
additional ways to "calm my mind down" (not interested in drugs).
2005-01-22 04:25:51 UTC
When my mind races with a lot of stuff I usually write something! A poem,
story, letter to myself, letter to my friend(s), or draw if writing
doesn't help.
2005-02-06 12:33:29 UTC
Place yourself in your favourite place or 'comfort zone'. If you are
outside and feel uncomfortable, imagine someone hovering over you
looking down and seeing you acting normally and seeing you with
nothing wrong with you. Imagine what they see and understand that it
is not something bad happening to you rather your mind playing tricks.

Hide away in your comfort zone but make sure you do this in your mind
and not in reality otherwisse you will not go out the front door.

Think of the future and the achievements you have made and will
continue to make. Think of how life only happens once and instead of
spending time worrying try to embrace and enjoy life, giving more to
others around you creating a positive vibe to all you meet and greet.