please help me
(too old to reply)
2006-05-20 07:04:17 UTC
I just recently tried xanax for my social and general anxiety/
obsessive worries, but it gave
me headaches and put me to sleep. Meanwhile, I am on 300mg wellbutrin
XL. My doc just changed me to clonazepam (CP), half of a .5mg tablet
BID, and 5mg Buspar BID. At first they made me really tired, so I
tried staggering them to see which one was making me tired. I've
discovered that after taking the CP, I feel kinda woozy for the first
hour, and then normal. Then after I take the buspar, my eyes feel
heavy and my energy level drops drastically. I know I have to stick
with the buspar for a while to give it a fair chance, but CP's effects
happen very quickly (day or two).
I am worried about asking my doctor to increase the dose in fear of him
thinking that I'm trying to feel 'high.' But that's not true. One of
my MAIN problems with anxiety is the constant worrying and anxiety of
what could happen. I just think of all the things I have to do, and
then I lay down and worry about them...unable to do anything. Another
main problem I have is my anxiety over my boyfriend. I know I am
codependent, and have been trying to improve our relationship, but I a
always worried about what he is thinking, and what I think he wants me
to do. Socializing also makes me VERY anxious.
The anxiety caused by my boyfriend and some of my social anxiety has
diminished, but not NEARLY to the point of normal functioning. As for
my worrying, that hasn't changed, and niether has the neck and back
pain, as well as headaches, associated with all this anxiety.
Am I asking for too much from the medication? From reading the boards,
it seems to work wonders on others. Should I talk to my doctor? (I am
afraid that if I ask for more, he will just decide to discontinue it,
while I know it has the potential to help me!)
What should I do?
2006-05-21 04:44:35 UTC
Post by Diana
I just recently tried xanax for my social and general anxiety/
obsessive worries, but it gave
me headaches and put me to sleep. Meanwhile, I am on 300mg wellbutrin
XL. My doc just changed me to clonazepam (CP), half of a .5mg tablet
BID, and 5mg Buspar BID. At first they made me really tired, so I
tried staggering them to see which one was making me tired. I've
discovered that after taking the CP, I feel kinda woozy for the first
hour, and then normal. Then after I take the buspar, my eyes feel
heavy and my energy level drops drastically. I know I have to stick
with the buspar for a while to give it a fair chance, but CP's effects
happen very quickly (day or two).
I am worried about asking my doctor to increase the dose in fear of him
thinking that I'm trying to feel 'high.' But that's not true. One of
my MAIN problems with anxiety is the constant worrying and anxiety of
what could happen. I just think of all the things I have to do, and
then I lay down and worry about them...unable to do anything. Another
main problem I have is my anxiety over my boyfriend. I know I am
codependent, and have been trying to improve our relationship, but I a
always worried about what he is thinking, and what I think he wants me
to do. Socializing also makes me VERY anxious.
The anxiety caused by my boyfriend and some of my social anxiety has
diminished, but not NEARLY to the point of normal functioning. As for
my worrying, that hasn't changed, and niether has the neck and back
pain, as well as headaches, associated with all this anxiety.
Am I asking for too much from the medication? From reading the boards,
it seems to work wonders on others. Should I talk to my doctor? (I am
afraid that if I ask for more, he will just decide to discontinue it,
while I know it has the potential to help me!)
What should I do?