What to do about my fear of moving?
(too old to reply)
2005-11-20 00:48:24 UTC
We've been in this beautiful house for 7 years. We've never been too
happy with the road and cemetary situation in the back along with we'd
like to have more space and privacy.
We've put a lot of money into the house blah blah blah....long story
short, we've been looking for a new house for a loooong time.
We finally found the house of our dream and it seems that I have to
find something wrong with it - like I did at the last offer we had
which fell through thanks to me!.
We sold our house bought the other one but I AM SOOOOOOOO Scared!
I can't eat, tremble all the time, feeling of dread in my stomach.
What's wrong with me???
We could have stayed here, that way, I wouldn't have to deal with the
move but I'd always keep searching, looking for another place we'll
like better.
What's the best thing to do?
I don't want to talk to ppl around me about this, they'll think I'm
2005-11-20 01:28:17 UTC
Post by boubou
We've been in this beautiful house for 7 years. We've never been too
happy with the road and cemetary situation in the back along with we'd
like to have more space and privacy.
We've put a lot of money into the house blah blah blah....long story
short, we've been looking for a new house for a loooong time.
We finally found the house of our dream and it seems that I have to
find something wrong with it - like I did at the last offer we had
which fell through thanks to me!.
We sold our house bought the other one but I AM SOOOOOOOO Scared!
I am a bit confused here.
Did you buy the one where the deal fell through,by making another offer?
Post by boubou
I can't eat, tremble all the time, feeling of dread in my stomach.
What's wrong with me???
We could have stayed here, that way, I wouldn't have to deal with the
move but I'd always keep searching, looking for another place we'll
like better.
What's the best thing to do?
Well, since you already bought the house and sold your own house, it
looks like you will have to move into the house you bought. Did your
husband not agree to selling the old house and buying the new one?
Post by boubou
I don't want to talk to ppl around me about this, they'll think I'm
I don't think you are nuts, but just worried if you did the right thing
in buying another house. But you said you were not entirely happy with
the house you have been living in and wanted more space and privacy and
didn't like the road where you live (too busy?) and didn't like to be
near a cemetary. These are all good reasons to want to want to move and
like I said, when you say "we" you must mean someone besides yourself?.
Once you move, you will probably feel ok and be happy with your new
house. You are just nervous right now. Maybe you want to go to the
doctor and get something for your nerves while you go through this bad
time. I find moving is stressful. Not always about did I do the right
thing, but its stressful starting over in a new area where you don't
know anybody or where anything is. It takes time to get settled in a new
area but once there, you will get used to it and meet new people.

2005-11-20 04:04:07 UTC
No, we didn't buy the first one, we just kept on looking until we finally
found this one.
We, as my partner and I both wanted this.
I've moved all my life without any trouble but never by choice (military).
This is IS by choice so making the decision myself was not easy. They are
all the right reasons, layout of house, cemetary and busy traffic road with
large trucks and motorcycle which I find very aggravating when trying to
relax during the summer months. I don't like noise, it irritates me very
We've been here long enough to find friends and grow some roots and I
console myself knowing that's not lost, just a 20 min drive to visit.
Nevertheless, I feel like once again, moving somewhere strange, making new
friends, behing the new strangers that don't belong into that even smaller
I know, HOPE I feel better after the move and I think I may just go see the
doctor for medication in the meantime. Also don't like any kind of meds,
I'll probably paranoi about that too.
Thanks for your answer Mary, it helps talking about it to someone.
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
We've been in this beautiful house for 7 years. We've never been too
happy with the road and cemetary situation in the back along with we'd
like to have more space and privacy.
We've put a lot of money into the house blah blah blah....long story
short, we've been looking for a new house for a loooong time.
We finally found the house of our dream and it seems that I have to
find something wrong with it - like I did at the last offer we had
which fell through thanks to me!.
We sold our house bought the other one but I AM SOOOOOOOO Scared!
I am a bit confused here.
Did you buy the one where the deal fell through,by making another offer?
Post by boubou
I can't eat, tremble all the time, feeling of dread in my stomach.
What's wrong with me???
We could have stayed here, that way, I wouldn't have to deal with the
move but I'd always keep searching, looking for another place we'll
like better.
What's the best thing to do?
Well, since you already bought the house and sold your own house, it
looks like you will have to move into the house you bought. Did your
husband not agree to selling the old house and buying the new one?
Post by boubou
I don't want to talk to ppl around me about this, they'll think I'm
I don't think you are nuts, but just worried if you did the right thing
in buying another house. But you said you were not entirely happy with
the house you have been living in and wanted more space and privacy and
didn't like the road where you live (too busy?) and didn't like to be
near a cemetary. These are all good reasons to want to want to move and
like I said, when you say "we" you must mean someone besides yourself?.
Once you move, you will probably feel ok and be happy with your new
house. You are just nervous right now. Maybe you want to go to the
doctor and get something for your nerves while you go through this bad
time. I find moving is stressful. Not always about did I do the right
thing, but its stressful starting over in a new area where you don't
know anybody or where anything is. It takes time to get settled in a new
area but once there, you will get used to it and meet new people.
2005-11-20 05:21:09 UTC
Post by boubou
No, we didn't buy the first one, we just kept on looking until we finally
found this one.
We, as my partner and I both wanted this.
I've moved all my life without any trouble but never by choice
Post by boubou
This is IS by choice so making the decision myself was not easy. They are
all the right reasons, layout of house, cemetary and busy traffic road with
large trucks and motorcycle which I find very aggravating when trying to
relax during the summer months. I don't like noise, it irritates me very
We've been here long enough to find friends and grow some roots and I
console myself knowing that's not lost, just a 20 min drive to visit.
Well, thats one consolation that you are moving close by your old place.
Post by boubou
Nevertheless, I feel like once again, moving somewhere strange, making new
friends, behing the new strangers that don't belong into that even smaller
I know, HOPE I feel better after the move and I think I may just go see the
doctor for medication in the meantime. Also don't like any kind of meds,
I'll probably paranoi about that too.
I'm kind of paranoid about medications myself due to allergies and bad
side effects when its not allergies :) but when I have to take meds, I
ask the doctor for the lowest dose possible, then if its tabs, I take a
quarter or less of what is prescribed -whatever I can take without bad
side effects- I am extremely super sensitive to many medications. If its
capsules, that is not so handy, so I ask for the lowest dose the pill
comes in.
I think you will manage ok and be quite happy in your new house. You
and your partner wanted this, so try to remember why you wanted to move
and keep that in your uppermost mind and downplay the fear and anxiety
which will probably disappear once you move. when are you moving by the

Post by boubou
Thanks for your answer Mary, it helps talking about it to someone.
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
We've been in this beautiful house for 7 years. We've never been too
happy with the road and cemetary situation in the back along with we'd
like to have more space and privacy.
We've put a lot of money into the house blah blah blah....long story
short, we've been looking for a new house for a loooong time.
We finally found the house of our dream and it seems that I have to
find something wrong with it - like I did at the last offer we had
which fell through thanks to me!.
We sold our house bought the other one but I AM SOOOOOOOO Scared!
I am a bit confused here.
Did you buy the one where the deal fell through,by making another offer?
Post by boubou
I can't eat, tremble all the time, feeling of dread in my stomach.
What's wrong with me???
We could have stayed here, that way, I wouldn't have to deal with the
move but I'd always keep searching, looking for another place we'll
like better.
What's the best thing to do?
Well, since you already bought the house and sold your own house, it
looks like you will have to move into the house you bought. Did your
husband not agree to selling the old house and buying the new one?
Post by boubou
I don't want to talk to ppl around me about this, they'll think I'm
I don't think you are nuts, but just worried if you did the right thing
in buying another house. But you said you were not entirely happy with
the house you have been living in and wanted more space and privacy and
didn't like the road where you live (too busy?) and didn't like to be
near a cemetary. These are all good reasons to want to want to move and
like I said, when you say "we" you must mean someone besides yourself?.
Once you move, you will probably feel ok and be happy with your new
house. You are just nervous right now. Maybe you want to go to the
doctor and get something for your nerves while you go through this bad
time. I find moving is stressful. Not always about did I do the right
thing, but its stressful starting over in a new area where you don't
know anybody or where anything is. It takes time to get settled in a new
area but once there, you will get used to it and meet new people.
2005-11-20 13:56:34 UTC
We move the 22nd of December!!! I guess I'll be home for Xmas!!! Boy this
is going to be a challenge.
Thankfully, I don't have to do any packing, moving and un-packing, the
military owed me a move (retired last november)
so that's a huge weight off my shoulders.
The one thing that's been part of our decision making is that my mother in
law lost her husband last year. She's been doing
terrific up until this summer. She started coming over for weekends, if not
us, my sister in law, and this weekend, she's
spending at her neice. We told her she'd be welcome to stay with us so we
needed a bigger place where we
could all have our space when needed. She has been suffering from anxiety
attacks too from behing alone and cannot
tolerate behing on her own anymore.
I've seen what the medication did to her and did not like it.
Now that the paperwork is signed and there is no more decision making
involved, I seem to feel a little better.
I still feel anxiety if I start thinking about leaving this house but try to
push it back and replace these
thoughts with furniture placement in the other house lol

Thanks so much for listening
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
No, we didn't buy the first one, we just kept on looking until we
Post by boubou
found this one.
We, as my partner and I both wanted this.
I've moved all my life without any trouble but never by choice
Post by boubou
This is IS by choice so making the decision myself was not easy. They
Post by boubou
all the right reasons, layout of house, cemetary and busy traffic road
Post by boubou
large trucks and motorcycle which I find very aggravating when trying
Post by boubou
relax during the summer months. I don't like noise, it irritates me
Post by boubou
We've been here long enough to find friends and grow some roots and I
console myself knowing that's not lost, just a 20 min drive to visit.
Well, thats one consolation that you are moving close by your old place.
Post by boubou
Nevertheless, I feel like once again, moving somewhere strange, making
Post by boubou
friends, behing the new strangers that don't belong into that even
Post by boubou
I know, HOPE I feel better after the move and I think I may just go
see the
Post by boubou
doctor for medication in the meantime. Also don't like any kind of
Post by boubou
I'll probably paranoi about that too.
I'm kind of paranoid about medications myself due to allergies and bad
side effects when its not allergies :) but when I have to take meds, I
ask the doctor for the lowest dose possible, then if its tabs, I take a
quarter or less of what is prescribed -whatever I can take without bad
side effects- I am extremely super sensitive to many medications. If its
capsules, that is not so handy, so I ask for the lowest dose the pill
comes in.
I think you will manage ok and be quite happy in your new house. You
and your partner wanted this, so try to remember why you wanted to move
and keep that in your uppermost mind and downplay the fear and anxiety
which will probably disappear once you move. when are you moving by the
Post by boubou
Thanks for your answer Mary, it helps talking about it to someone.
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
We've been in this beautiful house for 7 years. We've never been
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
happy with the road and cemetary situation in the back along with
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
like to have more space and privacy.
We've put a lot of money into the house blah blah blah....long
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
short, we've been looking for a new house for a loooong time.
We finally found the house of our dream and it seems that I have to
find something wrong with it - like I did at the last offer we had
which fell through thanks to me!.
We sold our house bought the other one but I AM SOOOOOOOO Scared!
I am a bit confused here.
Did you buy the one where the deal fell through,by making another
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
I can't eat, tremble all the time, feeling of dread in my stomach.
What's wrong with me???
We could have stayed here, that way, I wouldn't have to deal with
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
move but I'd always keep searching, looking for another place we'll
like better.
What's the best thing to do?
Well, since you already bought the house and sold your own house, it
looks like you will have to move into the house you bought. Did your
husband not agree to selling the old house and buying the new one?
Post by boubou
I don't want to talk to ppl around me about this, they'll think I'm
I don't think you are nuts, but just worried if you did the right
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
in buying another house. But you said you were not entirely happy
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
the house you have been living in and wanted more space and privacy
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
didn't like the road where you live (too busy?) and didn't like to
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
near a cemetary. These are all good reasons to want to want to move
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
like I said, when you say "we" you must mean someone besides
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Once you move, you will probably feel ok and be happy with your new
house. You are just nervous right now. Maybe you want to go to the
doctor and get something for your nerves while you go through this
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
time. I find moving is stressful. Not always about did I do the
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
thing, but its stressful starting over in a new area where you don't
know anybody or where anything is. It takes time to get settled in a
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
area but once there, you will get used to it and meet new people.
2005-11-20 17:45:19 UTC
Post by boubou
We move the 22nd of December!!! I guess I'll be home for Xmas!!! Boy this
is going to be a challenge.
One time I moved at the beginning of December and was 8 months pregnant
and another time my daughter moved when she was two weeks from giving
birth so that was challenging to say the least.
Post by boubou
Thankfully, I don't have to do any packing, moving and un-packing, the
military owed me a move (retired last november)
so that's a huge weight off my shoulders.
Yes, the packing is probably the worst part of moving. I don't mind the
unpacking so much because you can leave many of the boxes till you feel
like emptying them. But packing is the worst ordeal and going back and
forth between the old place and new place.I hate moving but what can you
do if you want to move.
Post by boubou
The one thing that's been part of our decision making is that my mother in
law lost her husband last year. She's been doing
terrific up until this summer. She started coming over for weekends, if not
us, my sister in law, and this weekend, she's
spending at her neice. We told her she'd be welcome to stay with us so we
needed a bigger place where we
could all have our space when needed. She has been suffering from anxiety
attacks too from behing alone and cannot
tolerate behing on her own anymore.
I've seen what the medication did to her and did not like it.
Well, of course, depends on the medication and depends how people react
to it. Many people seem to do quite well on some medications and really
need them in order to function better, but for me, I do not do well on
most medications, though I have to take coumadin, a blood thinner. Its
not an option.
Post by boubou
Now that the paperwork is signed and there is no more decision making
involved, I seem to feel a little better.
I still feel anxiety if I start thinking about leaving this house but try to
push it back and replace these
thoughts with furniture placement in the other house lol
Yes, thats what to do. Try to practice cognitive behavior therapy and
not exagerrate your thinking, which is not always easy, but even if it
just works sometimes, it helps.

Post by boubou
Thanks so much for listening
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
No, we didn't buy the first one, we just kept on looking until we
Post by boubou
found this one.
We, as my partner and I both wanted this.
I've moved all my life without any trouble but never by choice
Post by boubou
This is IS by choice so making the decision myself was not easy.
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
all the right reasons, layout of house, cemetary and busy traffic road
Post by boubou
large trucks and motorcycle which I find very aggravating when trying
Post by boubou
relax during the summer months. I don't like noise, it irritates me
Post by boubou
We've been here long enough to find friends and grow some roots and I
console myself knowing that's not lost, just a 20 min drive to visit.
Well, thats one consolation that you are moving close by your old place.
Post by boubou
Nevertheless, I feel like once again, moving somewhere strange, making
Post by boubou
friends, behing the new strangers that don't belong into that even
Post by boubou
I know, HOPE I feel better after the move and I think I may just go
see the
Post by boubou
doctor for medication in the meantime. Also don't like any kind of
Post by boubou
I'll probably paranoi about that too.
I'm kind of paranoid about medications myself due to allergies and bad
side effects when its not allergies :) but when I have to take meds, I
ask the doctor for the lowest dose possible, then if its tabs, I take a
quarter or less of what is prescribed -whatever I can take without bad
side effects- I am extremely super sensitive to many medications. If its
capsules, that is not so handy, so I ask for the lowest dose the pill
comes in.
I think you will manage ok and be quite happy in your new house.
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
and your partner wanted this, so try to remember why you wanted to move
and keep that in your uppermost mind and downplay the fear and anxiety
which will probably disappear once you move. when are you moving by the
Post by boubou
Thanks for your answer Mary, it helps talking about it to someone.
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
We've been in this beautiful house for 7 years. We've never been
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
happy with the road and cemetary situation in the back along with
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
like to have more space and privacy.
We've put a lot of money into the house blah blah blah....long
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
short, we've been looking for a new house for a loooong time.
We finally found the house of our dream and it seems that I have to
find something wrong with it - like I did at the last offer we had
which fell through thanks to me!.
We sold our house bought the other one but I AM SOOOOOOOO Scared!
I am a bit confused here.
Did you buy the one where the deal fell through,by making another
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
I can't eat, tremble all the time, feeling of dread in my stomach.
What's wrong with me???
We could have stayed here, that way, I wouldn't have to deal with
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
move but I'd always keep searching, looking for another place we'll
like better.
What's the best thing to do?
Well, since you already bought the house and sold your own house, it
looks like you will have to move into the house you bought. Did your
husband not agree to selling the old house and buying the new one?
Post by boubou
I don't want to talk to ppl around me about this, they'll think I'm
I don't think you are nuts, but just worried if you did the right
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
in buying another house. But you said you were not entirely happy
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
the house you have been living in and wanted more space and privacy
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
didn't like the road where you live (too busy?) and didn't like to
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
near a cemetary. These are all good reasons to want to want to move
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
like I said, when you say "we" you must mean someone besides
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Once you move, you will probably feel ok and be happy with your new
house. You are just nervous right now. Maybe you want to go to the
doctor and get something for your nerves while you go through this
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
time. I find moving is stressful. Not always about did I do the
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
thing, but its stressful starting over in a new area where you don't
know anybody or where anything is. It takes time to get settled in a
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
area but once there, you will get used to it and meet new people.
2005-11-20 17:46:38 UTC
Hi again, so as not to confuse you, sometimes I use Cathy, but its me
Mary who wrote the message below..

Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
We move the 22nd of December!!! I guess I'll be home for Xmas!!!
Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
is going to be a challenge.
One time I moved at the beginning of December and was 8 months
Post by Cathy
and another time my daughter moved when she was two weeks from giving
birth so that was challenging to say the least.
Post by boubou
Thankfully, I don't have to do any packing, moving and un-packing, the
military owed me a move (retired last november)
so that's a huge weight off my shoulders.
Yes, the packing is probably the worst part of moving. I don't mind the
unpacking so much because you can leave many of the boxes till you feel
like emptying them. But packing is the worst ordeal and going back and
forth between the old place and new place.I hate moving but what can you
do if you want to move.
Post by boubou
The one thing that's been part of our decision making is that my
mother in
Post by boubou
law lost her husband last year. She's been doing
terrific up until this summer. She started coming over for
Post by Cathy
if not
Post by boubou
us, my sister in law, and this weekend, she's
spending at her neice. We told her she'd be welcome to stay with us
so we
Post by boubou
needed a bigger place where we
could all have our space when needed. She has been suffering from
Post by boubou
attacks too from behing alone and cannot
tolerate behing on her own anymore.
I've seen what the medication did to her and did not like it.
Well, of course, depends on the medication and depends how people react
to it. Many people seem to do quite well on some medications and really
need them in order to function better, but for me, I do not do well on
most medications, though I have to take coumadin, a blood thinner. Its
not an option.
Post by boubou
Now that the paperwork is signed and there is no more decision making
involved, I seem to feel a little better.
I still feel anxiety if I start thinking about leaving this house
Post by Cathy
try to
Post by boubou
push it back and replace these
thoughts with furniture placement in the other house lol
Yes, thats what to do. Try to practice cognitive behavior therapy and
not exagerrate your thinking, which is not always easy, but even if it
just works sometimes, it helps.
Post by boubou
Thanks so much for listening
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
No, we didn't buy the first one, we just kept on looking until we
Post by boubou
found this one.
We, as my partner and I both wanted this.
I've moved all my life without any trouble but never by choice
Post by boubou
This is IS by choice so making the decision myself was not easy.
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
all the right reasons, layout of house, cemetary and busy traffic
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
large trucks and motorcycle which I find very aggravating when
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
relax during the summer months. I don't like noise, it irritates
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
We've been here long enough to find friends and grow some roots
Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
console myself knowing that's not lost, just a 20 min drive to
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Well, thats one consolation that you are moving close by your old
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Nevertheless, I feel like once again, moving somewhere strange,
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
friends, behing the new strangers that don't belong into that even
Post by boubou
I know, HOPE I feel better after the move and I think I may just go
see the
Post by boubou
doctor for medication in the meantime. Also don't like any kind of
Post by boubou
I'll probably paranoi about that too.
I'm kind of paranoid about medications myself due to allergies and
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
side effects when its not allergies :) but when I have to take
Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
ask the doctor for the lowest dose possible, then if its tabs, I
take a
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
quarter or less of what is prescribed -whatever I can take without
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
side effects- I am extremely super sensitive to many medications.
Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
capsules, that is not so handy, so I ask for the lowest dose the
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
comes in.
I think you will manage ok and be quite happy in your new house.
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
and your partner wanted this, so try to remember why you wanted to
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
and keep that in your uppermost mind and downplay the fear and
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
which will probably disappear once you move. when are you moving
Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Thanks for your answer Mary, it helps talking about it to
Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
We've been in this beautiful house for 7 years. We've never
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
happy with the road and cemetary situation in the back along
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
like to have more space and privacy.
We've put a lot of money into the house blah blah blah....long
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
short, we've been looking for a new house for a loooong time.
We finally found the house of our dream and it seems that I
Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
find something wrong with it - like I did at the last offer we
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
which fell through thanks to me!.
We sold our house bought the other one but I AM SOOOOOOOO
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
I am a bit confused here.
Did you buy the one where the deal fell through,by making another
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
I can't eat, tremble all the time, feeling of dread in my
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
What's wrong with me???
We could have stayed here, that way, I wouldn't have to deal
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
move but I'd always keep searching, looking for another place
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
like better.
What's the best thing to do?
Well, since you already bought the house and sold your own
Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
looks like you will have to move into the house you bought. Did
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
husband not agree to selling the old house and buying the new
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
I don't want to talk to ppl around me about this, they'll
Post by Cathy
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Post by boubou
I don't think you are nuts, but just worried if you did the right
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
in buying another house. But you said you were not entirely happy
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
the house you have been living in and wanted more space and
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
didn't like the road where you live (too busy?) and didn't like
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
near a cemetary. These are all good reasons to want to want to
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
like I said, when you say "we" you must mean someone besides
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
Once you move, you will probably feel ok and be happy with your
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
house. You are just nervous right now. Maybe you want to go to
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
doctor and get something for your nerves while you go through
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
time. I find moving is stressful. Not always about did I do the
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
thing, but its stressful starting over in a new area where you
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
know anybody or where anything is. It takes time to get settled
in a
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by boubou
Post by Mary
area but once there, you will get used to it and meet new people.
2005-12-17 19:02:37 UTC
Dear friend,

I call this decision-phobia. Decison-making is difficult for many
people. Remember, it's the choosing that is important, not the
outcome. If you make a choice, you will feel empowered and the outcome
of the choice is not that important because you can always make another
one to correct your situation. All decisions are made on insufficient
data. A friend of mine said there is no such thing as a calculated
risk. Move forward in spite of your fear and it will subside. I can
be reached at krehbielcounseling.com or
krehbielcounseling.blogspot.com. Good luck. James P. Krehbiel
