Seeing a therapist tomorrow
(too old to reply)
2005-02-23 18:24:45 UTC
Hi All

Thanks for the feedback since Ive been back.

Im seeing a therapist tomorrow who is, apparently, brilliant. I'm still
taking clonazepam daily and hopefully I will get rid of the panic attacks

Can't believe that I thought I was "cured" and am scared going to shops
alone now because of the fainting feelings and feelings of dread and doom
that accompany it.

It will be so good to feel positive again and not have this worry that this
is not going to pass this time. I also need to convince myself that Im not
ill physically (so my doc says).

Also got some upsetting news yesterday that my one school friend passed away
Friday am. I always think stress kills one and is so bad. Wonder how many
old people post here. That would be comforting to know.

Anyways need some chocolate tea a mag and sleep.

2005-02-23 19:55:44 UTC
Post by Kim
Hi All
Thanks for the feedback since Ive been back.
Im seeing a therapist tomorrow who is, apparently, brilliant. I'm still
taking clonazepam daily and hopefully I will get rid of the panic attacks
Can't believe that I thought I was "cured" and am scared going to shops
alone now because of the fainting feelings and feelings of dread and doom
that accompany it.
It will be so good to feel positive again and not have this worry that this
is not going to pass this time. I also need to convince myself that Im not
ill physically (so my doc says).
Also got some upsetting news yesterday that my one school friend passed away
Friday am. I always think stress kills one and is so bad.
Sorry about your friend. Yes, stress can be very damaging. I used to go
to a family doctor for many years and he always said "stress can cause
any illness" and he was right. It caused me to have serious health
problems along with phobias and depression.

Wonder how many
Post by Kim
old people post here. That would be comforting to know.
Well, if late 50's is, then thats me. Do you think of "old" as 45? : )

2005-02-23 19:56:40 UTC
Post by Kim
Hi All
Thanks for the feedback since Ive been back.
Im seeing a therapist tomorrow who is, apparently, brilliant. I'm still
taking clonazepam daily and hopefully I will get rid of the panic attacks
I meant to say good move that you are going to a therapist. Also, I
didnt read your message about you having panic attacks before.

2005-02-23 21:21:06 UTC
Post by Kim
Post by Kim
Hi All
Thanks for the feedback since Ive been back.
Im seeing a therapist tomorrow who is, apparently, brilliant. I'm
Post by Kim
taking clonazepam daily and hopefully I will get rid of the panic
Post by Kim
I meant to say good move that you are going to a therapist. Also, I
didnt read your message about you having panic attacks before.
To clarify. I meant I didn't see your message that you had panic attacks
before you had the driving phobia/anxiety.

