Lexapro responses.
(too old to reply)
2004-11-12 16:20:21 UTC
I wanted to thank all of you for your responses about your experiences
with Lexapro. I feel better now. I think someone asked if I was
working and yes, I am full time. I also am caring for my father who
is a stroke survivor with CHF.
Xanax helps me as well. It's so difficult. Some days I can't bring
myself to go into a supermarket when I have too!
Thanks again,
2004-11-12 22:30:35 UTC
Post by Sue
I wanted to thank all of you for your responses about your experiences
with Lexapro. I feel better now. I think someone asked if I was
working and yes, I am full time. I also am caring for my father who
is a stroke survivor with CHF.
Xanax helps me as well. It's so difficult. Some days I can't bring
myself to go into a supermarket when I have too!
Thanks again,
Hey sue well that's good to hear. It's good to see you have the strength to
work and take care of your father. I know that must be a lot on you. But i've
learned that what good you give, you will eventually recieve. I totally know
what you mean about the supermarket. I have social anxiety. And i know for a
couple years back when I was a teen, i went for almost two years where i
couldn't leave the house during the day, and it was so bad that I was nervous
around lighted places with people. I know it sounds crazy, and it is crazy
lol but that just shows you how bad my anxiety was. People thought I was a
hermit, a nut, a weirdo, etc.. I've heard it all, i've been named everything in
the book. It's hard dealing with mental illness, it really is. But just
remember, forget what other people think, just keep your head up and do what's
best for YOU and for those that you care about, like your father. Life is too
2004-11-15 18:49:56 UTC
Hi Greg:

Thanks. Some days it's real hard because I hold back what I am
feeling from others. I don't say, "I can't go, I am having panic
attacks." But yes, I have social anxiety too. So yes, supermarkets
are very hard for me. If I can get in and out real quick, I am okay.
But you know, I am missing the fun of just taking my time. You are
right about not caring what others think. I am glad you have improved
as well. Mine seems to be getting worse but I think that's the
stress. Gosh, I wish they had a cure for this for sure. I have
turned down invitations, etc. because of this. But I am working hard
on it and I am glad you are too.
