anxiety and chestpain
(too old to reply)
2004-12-13 05:34:00 UTC
Hi everyone here,

I been experiencing anxiety and PD for most of my adult life. I am 36.

I am having a rough time right now. I get anxiety really bad when I go
into areas where a lot of people are (most places), which so bad
I feel like I cant breath and get chest pain and all the other nice
things that come along with it.

I have a lot of problems these past few month, somebody stealing my
identity, a company ripped me off $6500 of computer parts, and tools
stolen. So, life as of now isnt grand.

I went to a docter in Florida about the chest pain, and he said he
couldnt find anything wrong. I got EKG and blood test. I didnt get a
stress test. At times I go hiking in the woods for about 3 miles up
hills, and dont get the chest pain, so I figure that is probably a
better test than a stress test.

Now, I am drinking alot to subdue the anxiety. Which I am sure some
here knows is a no no. The day afters are terrible. My anxiety getting
10x worse. I am also overweight, which probably contributes to my
depression. I just about have had it. I am at the point in my life
where I can't deal with this anymore.

I am going to stop boozing and start a strict exercise regime. I just
cant take the anxiety anymore. I cant go into stores and when in
stressful situations I lose it.

Anyhow, I am sorry for blabbering about this, but, tonight I am
depressed and need a release.


2004-12-13 06:11:50 UTC
Hi, I drop in here once in a while.
Post by Perkowski
Hi everyone here,
I been experiencing anxiety and PD for most of my adult life. I am 36.
I am having a rough time right now. I get anxiety really bad when I go
into areas where a lot of people are (most places), which so bad
I feel like I cant breath and get chest pain and all the other nice
things that come along with it.
Since you've had anxiety for such a long time, do you see a doctor or
psychiatrist or psychologist about it? do you take medication for anxiety?
not everyone needs it, but some people do.
Post by Perkowski
I have a lot of problems these past few month, somebody stealing my
identity, a company ripped me off $6500 of computer parts, and tools
stolen. So, life as of now isnt grand.
Sometimes things can really get you down.
Post by Perkowski
I went to a docter in Florida about the chest pain, and he said he
couldnt find anything wrong. I got EKG and blood test. I didnt get a
stress test. At times I go hiking in the woods for about 3 miles up
hills, and dont get the chest pain, so I figure that is probably a
better test than a stress test.
You could be right. I have an artificial heart valve for the last 8 years
due to a heart defect, which is not the same as heart disease I know, but
just to give you an example.. I knew the valve was getting narrow bit by bit
for about 5 years before the operation, but it progressed slowly. Near the
time of the heart surgery, I started to get some chest tightness when
walking up a grade or any kind.

If you've had an EKG and the doctor didn't feel an echocardiogram was
warranted, the doctor must feel there is no need to investigate further. How
often do you get the chest pain? do you only get it in anxiety provoking
I have more situational and general anxiety, especially in malls and when
driving, but my symptoms are different than yours. I feel very lightheaded
like I might faint or feel very unsteady and a bit dizzy, and sometimes have
to leave the mall earlier than I would like. There are many variations of
symptoms for anxiety/panic attacks.
Post by Perkowski
Now, I am drinking alot to subdue the anxiety. Which I am sure some
here knows is a no no. The day afters are terrible. My anxiety getting
10x worse. I am also overweight, which probably contributes to my
depression. I just about have had it. I am at the point in my life
where I can't deal with this anymore.
Time to go to your family doctor and lay it on the line about your anxiety
and how it affects your life.
He/she could refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist who deals in
anxiety and/or depression issues.
Post by Perkowski
I am going to stop boozing and start a strict exercise regime. I just
cant take the anxiety anymore. I cant go into stores and when in
stressful situations I lose it.
Sounds like you badly need some support. time for doctors appointment.
Post by Perkowski
Anyhow, I am sorry for blabbering about this, but, tonight I am
depressed and need a release.
Well, its better to blab here and get some release. At least that way, you
feel some sense of release.
Wish I could help more.

This newsgroup is not very active. You might also want to post your message
alt.support.anxiety-panic - check it out. Or there is also a moderated group
you might like - alt.support.anxiety-panic.moderated - I just started to get
that group because my ISP didn't get it, but you can ask your ISP for it.

2004-12-13 15:18:41 UTC
HI Mary thanks for replying...
Post by MaryJ
Hi, I drop in here once in a while.
Post by Perkowski
Hi everyone here,
I been experiencing anxiety and PD for most of my adult life. I am 36.
I am having a rough time right now. I get anxiety really bad when I go
into areas where a lot of people are (most places), which so bad
I feel like I cant breath and get chest pain and all the other nice
things that come along with it.
Since you've had anxiety for such a long time, do you see a doctor or
psychiatrist or psychologist about it? do you take medication for anxiety?
not everyone needs it, but some people do.
No never. I been getting heavier and heavir, and I think contributed to
my axniety and depression. I am not a very optimistic person.
Post by MaryJ
Post by Perkowski
I have a lot of problems these past few month, somebody stealing my
identity, a company ripped me off $6500 of computer parts, and tools
stolen. So, life as of now isnt grand.
Sometimes things can really get you down.
Its been tough abd very very stressful. Not a banner year for me.
Post by MaryJ
Post by Perkowski
I went to a docter in Florida about the chest pain, and he said he
couldnt find anything wrong. I got EKG and blood test. I didnt get a
stress test. At times I go hiking in the woods for about 3 miles up
hills, and dont get the chest pain, so I figure that is probably a
better test than a stress test.
You could be right. I have an artificial heart valve for the last 8 years
due to a heart defect, which is not the same as heart disease I know, but
just to give you an example.. I knew the valve was getting narrow bit by bit
for about 5 years before the operation, but it progressed slowly. Near the
time of the heart surgery, I started to get some chest tightness when
walking up a grade or any kind.
If you've had an EKG and the doctor didn't feel an echocardiogram was
warranted, the doctor must feel there is no need to investigate further. How
often do you get the chest pain? do you only get it in anxiety provoking
I get it in anxiety situations, and than it will last until I can get
out of the situation and relax. Grocery stores, meetings, places really
where people are. Which sucks because how can I not goto places like that.
Post by MaryJ
I have more situational and general anxiety, especially in malls and when
driving, but my symptoms are different than yours.
Malls forget it. I cant go in them unless I slug a couple 3-4 beers
down. Than I am ok. Driving not really only over bridges. I usually
take tunnels without a problem. I definetely cant fly I do not like

I feel very lightheaded
Post by MaryJ
like I might faint or feel very unsteady and a bit dizzy, and sometimes have
to leave the mall earlier than I would like. There are many variations of
symptoms for anxiety/panic attacks.
It depends for me, how bad the anxiety is here
Post by MaryJ
Post by Perkowski
Now, I am drinking alot to subdue the anxiety. Which I am sure some
here knows is a no no. The day afters are terrible. My anxiety getting
10x worse. I am also overweight, which probably contributes to my
depression. I just about have had it. I am at the point in my life
where I can't deal with this anymore.
Time to go to your family doctor and lay it on the line about your anxiety
and how it affects your life.
He/she could refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist who deals in
anxiety and/or depression issues.
Ya, I am calling one today. I jsut about had it with these feelings.
Thing is Im not a bad person, and I really dont see why I need to be
subjected to these things.
Post by MaryJ
Post by Perkowski
I am going to stop boozing and start a strict exercise regime. I just
cant take the anxiety anymore. I cant go into stores and when in
stressful situations I lose it.
Sounds like you badly need some support. time for doctors appointment.
Post by Perkowski
Anyhow, I am sorry for blabbering about this, but, tonight I am
depressed and need a release.
Well, its better to blab here and get some release. At least that way, you
feel some sense of release.
Wish I could help more.
This newsgroup is not very active. You might also want to post your message
alt.support.anxiety-panic - check it out. Or there is also a moderated group
you might like - alt.support.anxiety-panic.moderated - I just started to get
that group because my ISP didn't get it, but you can ask your ISP for it.
Thansk Mary
2004-12-14 00:28:24 UTC
Post by Perkowski
HI Mary thanks for replying...
Post by MaryJ
Hi, I drop in here once in a while.
Since you've had anxiety for such a long time, do you see a doctor or
psychiatrist or psychologist about it? do you take medication for anxiety?
not everyone needs it, but some people do.
No never. I been getting heavier and heavir, and I think contributed to
my axniety and depression. I am not a very optimistic person.
Well, if you feel you are overweight, that just adds to your problems which
are already there. Its hard to be optimistic when you are dragged down with
problems you
feel you can't solve. I don't feel that optimistic myself lots of times.
Post by Perkowski
Post by MaryJ
Post by Perkowski
I have a lot of problems these past few month, somebody stealing my
identity, a company ripped me off $6500 of computer parts, and tools
stolen. So, life as of now isnt grand.
Sometimes things can really get you down.
Its been tough abd very very stressful. Not a banner year for me.
Thats too bad. I know how you feel.
Post by Perkowski
Post by MaryJ
If you've had an EKG and the doctor didn't feel an echocardiogram was
warranted, the doctor must feel there is no need to investigate further. How
often do you get the chest pain? do you only get it in anxiety provoking
I get it in anxiety situations, and than it will last until I can get
out of the situation and relax. Grocery stores, meetings, places really
where people are. Which sucks because how can I not goto places like that.
Well, sounds like the chest pain is in anxiety situations, and it can be a
symptom for some people who have anxiety/panic attacks. And youre right, you
want to be able to go to stores, meetings, malls, etc. Thats how I feel too.
I have tried several medications, and still experiment with varied doses of
them, but so far, I don't do too well on them.I must have slow metabolism as
they stay active for a long time in my system, even at very small doses. But
many people
with anxiety on the other two newsgroups I mentioned, have had good success
with Xanax and Klonopin and other anti anxiety medications and have been
helped a lot in situations where they previously had much trouble. Everybody
is so very different.
Post by Perkowski
Post by MaryJ
I have more situational and general anxiety, especially in malls and when
driving, but my symptoms are different than yours.
Malls forget it. I cant go in them unless I slug a couple 3-4 beers
down. Than I am ok. Driving not really only over bridges. I usually
take tunnels without a problem. I definetely cant fly I do not like
I had vertigo a couple of years ago when driving and developed a phobia
after that, about driving anywhere, but I still drive, but no longer can
drive to some of the places I used to. I was able to take a plane to the UK
last year and though I am not crazy about flying, I can manage. My
motivation to go
was very strong and though I am nervous about flying, I am not totally
I just don't think about it. Now if I could apply that to my other phobias,
I would be ok.
Post by Perkowski
I feel very lightheaded
Post by MaryJ
like I might faint or feel very unsteady and a bit dizzy, and sometimes have
to leave the mall earlier than I would like. There are many variations of
symptoms for anxiety/panic attacks.
It depends for me, how bad the anxiety is here
My anxiety in a mall is always much worse if its hot in the mall, which
usually happens when there is more people. If its the summer and air
conditioning is on in the mall, I can manage better.
Post by Perkowski
Post by MaryJ
Post by Perkowski
Now, I am drinking alot to subdue the anxiety. Which I am sure some
here knows is a no no. The day afters are terrible. My anxiety getting
10x worse. I am also overweight, which probably contributes to my
depression. I just about have had it. I am at the point in my life
where I can't deal with this anymore.
Time to go to your family doctor and lay it on the line about your anxiety
and how it affects your life.
He/she could refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist who deals in
anxiety and/or depression issues.
Ya, I am calling one today. I jsut about had it with these feelings.
Thing is Im not a bad person, and I really dont see why I need to be
subjected to these things.
Of course you are not a bad person. Most of us with anxiety problems are
And most of us certainly don't want to be subjected to these things, but its
as if the nervous system and physical symptoms of anxiety start up by
themselves and often with no seeming provocation. Then the mind steps in and
things get worse. Its like a vicious circle. One feeds on the other.

Its hope you can find a psychiatrist or psychologist or any medical
person who can help you. Many people have been helped by Cognitive behavior
so you might look into finding a psychiatrist/psychologist who has skills in
I live in Toronto, Canada and even though its a city of 4 million people,
cognitive behavior therapy is not main stream here and its very difficult to
find a doctor skilled in that field. There are some, but not nearly enough.

http://www.cognitivetherapy.com/ - this can start you off as to what
Cognitive behavior therapy is (or CBT for short). Many people with
anxiety/panic attacks have been helped by it, though it may not be for

I do my own cognitive therapy and I see a GP who has training and a special
interest in Cognitive therapy. I have some health issues, so she is best for
me right now. A good book on anxiety is
"Workbook of Anxiety and Phobias" by Edmund Bourne. It has tons of
information about what causes anxiety, how it can be treated,
medicatiions,etc. I found it explained things very well about anxiety but
many people also find David Burns book "Feeling Good" to be helpful. Both
are probably be available at www.amazon.com
Post by Perkowski
Thansk Mary
You're welcome. I hope you get some support to get you going. Good luck.

2004-12-14 00:41:23 UTC
Post by Perkowski
Post by MaryJ
If you've had an EKG and the doctor didn't feel an echocardiogram was
warranted, the doctor must feel there is no need to investigate further. How
often do you get the chest pain? do you only get it in anxiety provoking
I get it in anxiety situations, and than it will last until I can get
out of the situation and relax. Grocery stores, meetings, places really
where people are. Which sucks because how can I not goto places like that.
Joe, I meant to say in the message i just posted for you, that naturally if
time goes by and you still worry about the chest pain, you may want to get
another opinion just to be sure.

