matt parker is a filthy motherfucker that likes computer chess games
(too old to reply)
2004-11-19 10:39:47 UTC
UNODC REPORT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The suspect Matt Parker from Cottage Grove OR USA
owns the domains in the IP range -
Server type: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.12
OpenSSL/0.9.6b DAV/1.0.3 PHP/4.3.1 mod_perl/1.26
Ports: 21 22 25 53 80 110

Webmasters and search engine administrators are adviced to block this
range and to remove all links and listings of the sites in this IP

www.trueloves.com > Credit Card Fraud/Sexual exploitation of minors
www.skydesigns.com > Credit Card Fraud
www.eurobrides.com > Credit Card Fraud/Sexual exploitation of minors
www.romanceaffiliates.com > Credit Card Fraud/Sexual exploitation of
www.rainypasslodge.com > Arms trafficking/Abuse of protected animals
www.alaskablackbearhunt.com > Arms trafficking/Abuse of protected
www.alaskabrownbearhunt.com > Arms trafficking/Abuse of protected
www.alaskablacktaildeerhunt.com > Arms trafficking/Abuse of protected
www.date2000.net > Hidden storage of illegal adult material
www.antiscam.org > Defamatory statements and libel of uninvolved
www.europeanguide.net > Links site
www.call-russia.com > Credit Card Fraud
www.loves.ws > Links site
www.vivalove.com > Affiliate site

Matt Parker 1505 Ash Ave Cottage Grove 97424 OR USA
Matt Parker PO Box 1147 Cottage Grove 97424 OR USA
1 541-942-5087 <Disconnected>
1 541-942-6145 <Disconnected>

The aforementioned sites abuse credit card information and have
to track visitors. Most profiles of the personals were stolen from
sites that provide the same copyrighted material for free.
Registered members of these sites also have access to underage
featuring adult material depicting minors in explicit sexual acts.

The individual behind these sites trades underage girls from the
and Russia that are being lured to the USA with false promises of
marriage and the green card, and are eventually forced into


Sollicitation of minors:
Translation: http://www.online-translator.com/default.asp?lang=en

Material evidence:

The individual that operates these sites manipulates facts using
Email/IP spoofing
and forged server logs to make others seem guilty and is part of an
criminal network supported by corrupt politicians.
This suspect is an expert at manipulating people and the public

Anybody who is concerned about the safety of minors can file
complaints with:

Any useful information or additional evidence leading to the arrest of
this suspect or any endeavor to counter the criminal activities of
sites is much appreciated.

Do not reply to this message.
For more information please visit:
Support site:

Forwarding this report to your online acquaintances is a small effort
will definitely help to counter the criminal activities of these
UNODC REPORT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
the date of birth of matt parker is 13 sep 65 matt parker alias
hout order a new identity at http://www.offshore-manual.com if
personal data is captured by matt parker matt parker alias van
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com damages will be claimed from
matt parker to compensate financial loss matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ericvan ***@yahoo.com his true name is matt parker from
cottage grove oregon and that is final never submit a
lunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias van lindt hout matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com the scam site eurobrides.com is owned
by the pervert matt parker from cottage grove oregon matt parker alias
ericvan lunsen ***@yahoo.com anna parker is a russian whore wanted
by the police for prostitution matt parker alias c
alias erikvon ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias kim ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e vonlunsen
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias eric ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
vanlindtherzog matt
and the whole site sucks matt parker alias erik von lint
statement is made in loving memory of the university employee that was
parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com never
believe anything matt parker says or writes international matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
site trueloves.com matt parker alias eric ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com krgyzstan matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias van lunsen hout matt parker alias eric van lunsen
matt parker alias van lunsenherzog matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik von
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias e ***@yahoo.com belarus matt parker alias
evonlunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias
violation of the confidentiality of mail matt parker alias von_lint
complaint against matt parker was filed with the us
embassy matt parker alias evan ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e van lindt ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias vanlindt ***@yahoo.com a bullet between the eyes
is the only thing matt parker will get matt parker alias von
alias groot ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias von_lindt_hout matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker is guilty of illegal people
trafficking and will be prosecuted matt parker alias van lindt
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias sergey ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias g ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias von ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vonlunsen
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
parker alias evon
hout pen pals lithuania matt parker alias erik vanlint
data is captured
latvia boycott the commercial dating sites of matt parker matt parker
parker violates the internet privacy act by distributing
stolen personal data matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker distributes
illegal software and warez that infringe the copyright law matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias l ***@yahoo.com
matt parker
where he posts as jeff trueloves gerald michelle ccct matt parker
motherfucker that likes computer chess games matt parker alias n
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias e ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vanlindt
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias erik von
life of those that file complaints against his sites matt parker alias
clients and newsgroups personal ads matt parker alias e von
com matt parker alias vanlunsen matt parker alias
from cottage grove oregon and that is that matt parker alias
matt parker alias vanlunsenherzog matt parker alias
parker alias evanlindt
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik van lindt ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias j ***@yahoo.com do not sign up
at the scam site romanceaffiliates.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com never enter a true credit card number
romanceaffiliates.com matt parker alias
violates the confidentiality of mail matt parker alias
parker alias vonlint_hout matt parker alias
matt parker alias linuxmail.org matt parker alias
clients to impersonate them matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ericvon lint ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com never submit true personal data to eurobrides.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e van
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com never
submit a real email
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias andy ***@yahoo.com his real address is matthew parker alias cecil
vernon humble 8201 sky mountain circle anchorage alaska 99502 matt
is posted in rip off matt parker is a dangerous mentally deranged
criminal and needs psychiatric confinement matt parker alias
information leading to the arrest of matt parker will be rewarded matt
parker alias von lintherzog matt parker alias
van_lunsen_herzog matt parker alias ann ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias eric ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias van_lunsen_hout matt
parker alias tanja ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik van
matt parker alias
matt parker alias von_lint_herzog matt parker alias operamail.com matt
son of a bitch will be fried matt parker alias eric van
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erikvonlunsen
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vonlint ***@yahoo.com matt parker
forges server logs and evidence to make clients seem guilty of his
underage female flesh to pornographers and whoremongers matt parker
tatiana ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
pin down the prick matt parker http://tinyurl.com/4cc39 matt parker
alias e vanlindt ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric von lint
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias best day is ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias von
the dismissed university employees committed suicide matt parker alias
have access to adult material depicting minors in sexual acts matt
***@yahoo.com asian women matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias van ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias vanlintherzog matt parker alias
webmaster of trueloves.com and all sites in ip range
bleed http://tinyurl.com/v4oa this statement is made pending the issue
of the official complaint against matt parker matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ericvan lint ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
van_linthout matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com for free
phonesex 24-7 dial 9073494969 http://tinyurl.com/6cmk6 matt parker
alias super ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias van lindthout matt
parker alias e
for every email address this chain letter is forwarded to matt parker
net with childporn http://tinyurl.com/6kmea matt parker alias tatyana
vonlint_herzog matt parker is webmaster of eurobrides.com
and all sites in ip range to 39 matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias van lunsenhout anna parker
married a limpdick yank to escape prosecution in russia
http://tinyurl.com/56dqa matt parker alias erikvan
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker runs dating sites
alias von_lindt matt parker alias van lunsen matt parker
cottage grove oregon and that is it http://tinyurl.com/4c2t5 matt
***@yahoo.com stay away from trueloves.com or be hacked and scammed
matt parker alias erikvon ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
vonlint herzog matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker
physical material and moral harm to matt parker his wife and
loved ones http://tinyurl.com/4orbq matt parker alias
other criminals
against clients and competitors matt parker alias evon
mailbox is matt parker alias anna parker po box 1147 cottage grove
trades in teenage brides from russia and the philippines scams the
leuven university fired three employees due to the lies of matt parker
parker alias von lunsen hout matt parker alias
2004-11-20 10:11:40 UTC

Are you looking to get laid tonight?? Why not try our swinger's link

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Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
the date of birth of matt parker is 13 sep 65 matt parker alias
hout order a new identity at http://www.offshore-manual.com if
personal data is captured by matt parker matt parker alias van
matt parker to compensate financial loss matt parker alias
eric von ***@yahoo.com nail down the cumbag matt parker
http://tinyurl.com/58hwa damn matt parker and let him burn in hell
till it freezes over matt parker alias erik ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com the scam site trueloves.com is
owned by the pervert matt parker from cottage grove oregon matt
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
cottage grove oregon and that is final never submit a
by the pervert matt parker from cottage grove oregon matt parker alias
by the police for prostitution matt parker alias c
vanlindtherzog matt
and the whole site sucks matt parker alias erik von lint
statement is made in loving memory of the university employee that was
parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com moldova matt parker is
personally responsible for the death of a university employee matt
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
believe anything matt parker says or writes international matt parker
erik vonlint ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com ukrainian matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker of rainypasslodge.com
supports illegal arms trafficking and terrorist activities matt parker
is webmaster of romanceaffiliates.com and all sites in ip range to 39 matt
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
matt parker alias van lunsen hout matt parker alias eric van lunsen
com matt parker alias von_lunsenherzog matt parker alias
matt parker alias van lunsenherzog matt parker alias
matt parker alias
violation of the confidentiality of mail matt parker alias von_lint
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias erikvon lunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
vanlunsenhout throw a molotov cocktail through the window of matt
parker matt parker alias nadejda ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com single women virtual greeting cards an
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
complaint against matt parker was filed with the us
is the only thing matt parker will get matt parker alias von
trafficking and will be prosecuted matt parker alias van lindt
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com anybody providing proof of the death of matt
parker will receive a huge reward matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias parker matt parker alias eric van
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
parker alias evon
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vanlindt hout matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com estonia report matt parker to ***@fbi.gov
and http://tinyurl.com/5ubpd never enter a true credit card number at
trueloves.com matt parker alias eric vonlint ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
hout pen pals lithuania matt parker alias erik vanlint
data is captured
latvia boycott the commercial dating sites of matt parker matt parker
parker violates the internet privacy act by distributing
illegal software and warez that infringe the copyright law matt parker
matt parker
where he posts as jeff trueloves gerald michelle ccct matt parker
motherfucker that likes computer chess games matt parker alias n
matt parker alias erik von
life of those that file complaints against his sites matt parker alias
clients and newsgroups personal ads matt parker alias e von
com matt parker alias vanlunsen matt parker alias
from cottage grove oregon and that is that matt parker alias
matt parker alias vanlunsenherzog matt parker alias
parker alias evanlindt
at the scam site romanceaffiliates.com matt parker alias
romanceaffiliates.com matt parker alias
violates the confidentiality of mail matt parker alias
parker alias vonlint_hout matt parker alias
matt parker alias linuxmail.org matt parker alias
clients to impersonate them matt parker alias
submit a real email
vernon humble 8201 sky mountain circle anchorage alaska 99502 matt
is posted in rip off matt parker is a dangerous mentally deranged
criminal and needs psychiatric confinement matt parker alias
information leading to the arrest of matt parker will be rewarded matt
parker alias von lintherzog matt parker alias
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com members of
romanceaffiliates.com have access to adult material depicting minors
in sexual acts matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias von lunsenhout matt
parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erikvon
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias vonlindt_herzog matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker illicitly publishes personal
data that he steals from hacked mailboxes matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com never submit true personal data to
trueloves.com matt parker
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias vanlindt matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias evon ***@yahoo.com
matt parker
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
matt parker alias von_lint_herzog matt parker alias operamail.com matt
son of a bitch will be fried matt parker alias eric van
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erikvan ***@yahoo.com
one of the dismissed employees did not find a new job got into debts
and was found in a noose matt
personals at eurobrides.com are fake and the whole site sucks matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric vanlindt
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias peace ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias chess ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker owns dating sites since their
clients are unlikely to complain and admit their membership matt
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias erik ***@yahoo.com his mailbox is matt parker
alias erik vanlint smolders pl 1 pb 223 leuven 3000 belgium matt
lint ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias evan
***@yahoo.com all personals at trueloves.com are fake and the
whole site sucks matt parker alias e van lint ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias erikvan ***@yahoo.com anticommercial activism matt
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias evan lunsen ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias von lint
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
forges server logs and evidence to make clients seem guilty of his
underage female flesh to pornographers and whoremongers matt parker
pin down the prick matt parker http://tinyurl.com/4cc39 matt parker
parker alias von
the dismissed university employees committed suicide matt parker alias
have access to adult material depicting minors in sexual acts matt
alias vern humble 200 west 34th ave suite 431 anchorage
alaska 99503 http://tinyurl.com/5uoej matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com never enter a true credit card number at
eurobrides.com rebuild the cuntface of the spamming scammer matt
parker http://tinyurl.com/452ch the dismissed university employees
suffered financial loss due to matt parker matt parker alias
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
matt parker alias vanlintherzog matt parker alias
makes false accusations to make others seem guilty of
webmaster of trueloves.com and all sites in ip range
bleed http://tinyurl.com/v4oa this statement is made pending the issue
of the official complaint against matt parker matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erik ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias von lindtherzog matt parker alias evanlunsen
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias eric van lunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
phonesex 24-7 dial 9073494969 http://tinyurl.com/6cmk6 matt parker
parker alias e
for every email address this chain letter is forwarded to matt parker
net with childporn http://tinyurl.com/6kmea matt parker alias tatyana
alias ericvon lunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias eric ***@yahoo.com
money matt parker is a hacker and stalker that steals personal data
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
hacked mailboxes matt parker alias von lint matt parker
alias erikvonlint ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com free on line singles site matt parker
alias tania ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias van_lunsenherzog matt parker
vonlindt ***@yahoo.com matt parker is a gay masochist whose ass
will be raped by gangs of fat black jail bubbas single men matt parker
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
vonlint_herzog matt parker is webmaster of eurobrides.com
and all sites in ip range to 39 matt parker alias
married a limpdick yank to escape prosecution in russia
http://tinyurl.com/56dqa matt parker alias erikvan
parker runs dating sites
since people are unlikely to admit joining such sites by
alias von_lindt matt parker alias van lunsen matt parker
cottage grove oregon and that is it http://tinyurl.com/4c2t5 matt
matt parker
parker alias van_lunsenhout matt parker alias
eurobrides.com have access to adult material depicting
minors in sexual acts matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt
parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erikvanlindt
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker
alias ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias evan lindt
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias evonlint ***@yahoo.com appeal to
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
physical material and moral harm to matt parker his wife and
loved ones http://tinyurl.com/4orbq matt parker alias
other criminals
against clients and competitors matt parker alias evon
mailbox is matt parker alias anna parker po box 1147 cottage grove
fried stay away from eurobrides.com or be hacked and
scammed matt parker alias evan lint ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
evan ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias ***@yahoo.com
matt parker alias evanlunsen ***@yahoo.com matt parker alias
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias e vonlint
***@yahoo.com matt parker alias erikvon ***@yahoo.com matt
Post by www.hwwfs.url.cjb.net
trades in teenage brides from russia and the philippines scams the
leuven university fired three employees due to the lies of matt parker
parker alias von lunsen hout matt parker alias
John Patrick
2004-11-26 06:51:21 UTC
Dear Sir or Madam:

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This message is intended only for the use of the individual to whom it is
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the disclosure of which is prohibited by law. If you are not the intended
recipient of this message please note any dissemination, distribution or
copying of this message is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender
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it from your system.