(too old to reply)
Gary Simmonds
2005-03-30 14:49:54 UTC
Guys i am in trouble with my anxiety and i think that it is something that
no one has felt before. I started going to the gym about 3 months ago. I
started again after a year of being off because of injury. So i start back
real light and then start going regularly again. One night i look in the
mirror and see a great change, you think that would make me happy, it scared
me! I started thinking that if i get to excited about it then i wont sleep
and then i wont be able to workout. before you know it guys over the space
of 3 weeks i have turned something good into something bad and full of
anxiety. I have started to feel anxiety each time i look at my body and that
scares me. I am so scared that i am sending myself back into a bad crisis
again and that scares me. I am getting bad again and this time i am scared
that wont be able to recover because it is my body i have to see each day. I
feel bad anxiety even when i think of working out.
Guys i am real worried about myself . I did not sleep last nite and i am so
scared that this time around i will lose everything, even after all these
years of hanging on.
I know this is something no one has heard before but i need some help and
any advice would be helpful

Queen B of My Hive
2005-03-30 16:17:26 UTC
Gary. I want you to know that I feel for you. I need to think a while
and may want to read on some books I have that helps me. Hang in there.
I'll have to get back to you later.

A sister trying to help.
B.G. Kent
2005-03-30 19:11:28 UTC
Can you get to a psychiatrist Gary?

You're still you..you've just pulled in your body somewhat. Change can
be hard for some.

I wish I could help.


On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Gary Simmonds
Post by Gary Simmonds
Guys i am in trouble with my anxiety and i think that it is something that
no one has felt before. I started going to the gym about 3 months ago. I
started again after a year of being off because of injury. So i start back
real light and then start going regularly again. One night i look in the
mirror and see a great change, you think that would make me happy, it scared
me! I started thinking that if i get to excited about it then i wont sleep
and then i wont be able to workout. before you know it guys over the space
of 3 weeks i have turned something good into something bad and full of
anxiety. I have started to feel anxiety each time i look at my body and that
scares me. I am so scared that i am sending myself back into a bad crisis
again and that scares me. I am getting bad again and this time i am scared
that wont be able to recover because it is my body i have to see each day. I
feel bad anxiety even when i think of working out.
Guys i am real worried about myself . I did not sleep last nite and i am so
scared that this time around i will lose everything, even after all these
years of hanging on.
I know this is something no one has heard before but i need some help and
any advice would be helpful
Queen B of My Hive
2005-03-31 14:19:04 UTC
Here goes. I went about my day yester-
day. I took my son shopping. I was real
anxious about my car needing a tune up
so I bought new wires and spark plugs and did them myself. After a test
run, I
realized "I DID IT".

Sometimes the answer to our problems
lies within us. You let yourself do good
for yourself, then you became anxious about what you were doing to
the point
of having phobia (abnormal fear) about
yourself each time you looked in the mirror.

I don't know if you have family, friends or other people in your life
but it always helps to sometimes leave yourself and take part in
some ways to help or social-
ize with others. Find a way to leave yourself by becoming
involved in a active
group therapy. Many people do well in
group therapy. It's hard to admit some-
times we need professional help, but that may be where you may have to

I've been there. I see a Psychiatrist and
take medicine. I have a good therapist
and any time I need help beyond myself
or friends, I call and go. I also have an
AA group that I'm active in and I'm not working but I stay busy doing
for others.
Reading and writing and of course, now
Webtv are among my hobbies. Soon I
will create my yearly flower garden.
Do you have any hobbies?

A sister trying to help
