sick of it all..need advise
(too old to reply)
Gary Simmonds
2005-01-05 05:30:54 UTC
Is anyone as sick of having anxiety problems as I am? I mean there are times
that I feel that ia m getting better and that things are looking up and then
bam! shit changes and I start having trouble sleeping again and seem to be
back where I started sometimes. it has been 12 years since it all started
and I feel like it will be until I die. I have shunned relationships because
I am scared of the stress of them and feel alone because of it. I feel likei
am not doing enough to help myself and yet I wonder why I don't so more, why
I don't do everything in my power to get better. I give in to the irrational
fears when I know that they are not true. It just seems that all I have to
say is that they are not true stop thinking them and get better yet I don't,
I just dwell on them and don't get rid of them. Do I want to stay like this?
I just don't understand

2005-01-10 06:19:55 UTC
psychotherapy stopped anxiety for me.
2005-02-06 21:51:54 UTC

I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from. I too have suffered
from anxiety and panic attacks for some time now. Are you on any
medication? I have been seeing a Psychiatrist for 2 years now and
that has been so helpful, i dont know where i would be now without
that help of talking to someone who understands and can give
professional help and advice.
One thing i would advise would be to see someone, ask your doctor to
recommend a psychiatrist or psychologist and go see them on a regular
basis, even if just for a month, you will definitely notice the
I worry about everything under the sun: illnesses, panic attacks,
being alone, family dying, future, etc etc. Its crazy; well its not
its totally normal really but people like us just focus on these
worries more than others.
As my psychiatrist says 'you will not be like this forever' it may
seem like it is now, but anxiety can be controlled, and if need be, by
medication and medical help.

Try breathing excercises, think of your favourite place, be it at
home, in bed, by the sea, in the mountains, imagine yourself there.
Breath in filling your stomach (not your lungs) and breathe slowly out
concentrating on the outbreath. Do this for 10 mins or more until you
feel controlled of your thoughts.

B.G. Kent
2005-02-12 00:12:06 UTC
Don't be so hard on yourself. Do people with diabetes put themselves
down because they have diabetes? I have become very open about having
this problem...and you know what? there are a lot of us..and a lot of
folks that understand. Make your life work for you the best you
can...OWN your problem...tell people what you can and cannot do...and if
they don't like it..then tough. Good friends will understand and work
with you..not against you.

Now I go to theatres and sit on the seat near the aisle...and if
boyfriend doesn't want to sit there (he does though) then tough. I won't
go to places with no perpendicular walls near where I am...and I won't
go to places that have high ceiling. Again...if a person questions it
and tries to make me feel badly about ...then tough.

People seem to not care if they have anxiety about speaking before a
group of people..they accept that...so why not the other anxieties?

Be kind to yourself.

Just an opinion,


On Wed,
Post by Gary Simmonds
Is anyone as sick of having anxiety problems as I am? I mean there are times
that I feel that ia m getting better and that things are looking up and then
bam! shit changes and I start having trouble sleeping again and seem to be
back where I started sometimes. it has been 12 years since it all started
and I feel like it will be until I die. I have shunned relationships because
I am scared of the stress of them and feel alone because of it. I feel likei
am not doing enough to help myself and yet I wonder why I don't so more, why
I don't do everything in my power to get better. I give in to the irrational
fears when I know that they are not true. It just seems that all I have to
say is that they are not true stop thinking them and get better yet I don't,
I just dwell on them and don't get rid of them. Do I want to stay like this?
I just don't understand