Anyone here manage to successfully stop biting their nails?
(too old to reply)
2003-12-14 10:04:24 UTC
I have been a nailbiter ever since I can remember! My mother said that she was
just like me at my age now in that she used to bite her nails all the time.
Now her nails are nice and long and she loves putting polish on them (she only
likes the clear polish) - so maybe there's hope for me yet.

2003-12-29 00:43:23 UTC
Post by Roseb441702
I have been a nailbiter ever since I can remember! My mother said that she was
just like me at my age now in that she used to bite her nails all the time.
Now her nails are nice and long and she loves putting polish on them (she only
likes the clear polish) - so maybe there's hope for me yet.
Hi Rose
I'm thirty nine now and still hurting myself with this stupid nail
byting habit!
I was browsing in the newsgroups to find people like me, and indeed
there are... To be honest, I don't know why I'm in a newsgroup called
Panic-Anxiety now, but your message matched my query. I found a number
of postings refering to parents or brothers and sisters also byting,
and I see that's your case, and that's mine. Lucky enough a lot of
people managed to stop biting.
But it seems we can't.

On this place, I want to do a proposal. We've got a problem with
byting our nails, and, I shall speak for myself, I know this bad habit
is feed by stress and other psycho things I better should deal with.
Then (automatically) I will have Nice Beautifull Nails (NBN's).

But I'm affraid I couldn't find this particular stress part yet and I
doubt if I ever manage to deal with it anyway. So I guess I have to do
it with Plain Discipline.
Unfortunatly that has also not been proven as a successful method in
my life.

No, the new buzzword in my struggle to get NBN's is "Agreement" What
I'm looking for, and that's my proposal, is one or more 'members of
the club' to make an Agreement. No, no, not a contract, not even a
letter on (digital) paper, but just sharing our whish: NBN's.

I say to you, you say to me "I'll stop biting and I will help you to
I suggest doing this by email, sending reports of the sins &
Ok, the agreement part will be: "thou shall show your results... " in,
say, a month or three. Scanns of the nails. Not Photoshopped, not the
beautifull nails of your sister; show them beyond the shame.

How about that?

I hope to see some people joining in with this idea. You have to do
something, don't you? (That's another thing.. who says you have to!?
No-one I know is making a problem of it. Who says you have to stop
biting? Obviously your own self, but that seems not to be enough.
That's where the support comes in. Because its sooooo stupid, you
know, I know.)

(Europe, The Netherlands)
2003-12-29 00:55:13 UTC
Post by Roseb441702
I have been a nailbiter ever since I can remember! My mother said that she was
just like me at my age now in that she used to bite her nails all the time.
Now her nails are nice and long and she loves putting polish on them (she only
likes the clear polish) - so maybe there's hope for me yet.
yeah yeah, and afterwards I discovered your website with all kind of
deals and pictures and postings, I'm not in the mood for this circus.
I've got the feeling the above respond on your posting is not
particular mend for you. But there might be other people interested?

