(too old to reply)
2004-05-03 17:48:09 UTC
I've had a anxiety obstacle for about 2years. I worry all the time!!!!
I am on effexor and clonazepam and have been for 2 years. I still
feel anxious and worry about my health all the time. I read self help
books, went to a therapist for a month until she said I didn't need to
come back. I don't know what else to do!! Any advice?
2004-05-18 04:48:48 UTC
Sounds like your therapist didn't take a serious interest in how you
feel. It's hard for people to imagine what it's like for us when they
have never experienced it. I'm thinking it's your anti-depressant that
isn't working. It can take a long time finding what is the right combo
of meds that work. None of the ssri meds worked for me. You can only
find that out by having a psychiatrist monitor you. With the right
anti-depressants, the klonopin should be more effective, and you
probably are not taking enough of it. Most of the ducKtors are afraid
to prescribe it because it's in the valium/zanax family. They forget
that these drugs were developed because they HELP. When I have a real
bad panic attack a valium will take it away withing 10 minutes. I have
attacks so severe they actually wake me up in the middle of the night,
starting while I'm sound asleep. They are much less frequent when I
remember to take the Klonopin on schedule... they really work!!!
Post by trish
I've had a anxiety obstacle for about 2years. I worry all the time!!!!
I am on effexor and clonazepam and have been for 2 years. I still
feel anxious and worry about my health all the time. I read self help
books, went to a therapist for a month until she said I didn't need to
come back. I don't know what else to do!! Any advice?