It's a vicious circle
(too old to reply)
2004-11-30 05:25:21 UTC
I need some help and don't know what to do. I'm 22 years old and never
went to college after high school and have never worked. I felt so
much stress during high school that after graduation, I felt as though
I needed to take a year off to figure things out. That of course, was
a bad idea. It's now time for me to go out into the real world and get
a job and the thought of doing so really stresses me out. I'm under so
much stress as it is that I already feel like I'm going to explode. If
I have to get a job, I feel like I really, truly, might have some sort
of nervous breakdown. I've reached the age limit on my parents' health
insurance and can't afford to go to a doctor. Until I get this
stress/anxiety treated, I don't think I can get a job. But until I get
a job and make some money, I can't afford to get treated. This is a
huge problem.

I have other health problems that only make everything worse and are
probably causing part of this stress. I have two to three non
treatable sleep disorders and possibly chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm
sure I'm also suffering from depression, OCD (already been diagnosed
years ago), and ADD (school counselor thought I might've had it). I
remember having abnormal fears/anxiety/stress when I was a child so I
guess this isn't something new but something that seems to have always
been there and grown over the years.

My life shouldn't be very stressful but for some reason it it. The
littlest things will make me go crazy or freak out. Something as
simple as playing board games with a few family members is just about
the most stressful thing to me. I actually end up getting so
frustrated (at what I don't know) that I clench my teeth so hard that
I have terrible jaw pain. I always feel like I'm about to explode and
I don't know what to do to make that feeling go away.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I thought that maybe I could explain
the situation to my regular doctor and he could refer me to a
psychiatrist and explain my situation. Then perhaps the psychiatrist
could prescibe me something on the first visit so I can start actively
applying for jobs while the medicine is hopefully helping me. Then
once I get a job, then I could continue going to the psychiatrist. I
don't know, that's just a thought. Perhaps I have no idea what I'm
talking about.
John Cheever
2004-11-30 16:34:37 UTC
Have you considered doing a job that will get you out of the house but isn't
too demanding? Delivering leaflets or free papers, or voluntary work

Getting out of the house is the key, and building your confidence.
Post by Mike
I need some help and don't know what to do. I'm 22 years old and never
went to college after high school and have never worked. I felt so
much stress during high school that after graduation, I felt as though
I needed to take a year off to figure things out. That of course, was
a bad idea. It's now time for me to go out into the real world and get
a job and the thought of doing so really stresses me out. I'm under so
much stress as it is that I already feel like I'm going to explode. If
I have to get a job, I feel like I really, truly, might have some sort
of nervous breakdown. I've reached the age limit on my parents' health
insurance and can't afford to go to a doctor. Until I get this
stress/anxiety treated, I don't think I can get a job. But until I get
a job and make some money, I can't afford to get treated. This is a
huge problem.
I have other health problems that only make everything worse and are
probably causing part of this stress. I have two to three non
treatable sleep disorders and possibly chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm
sure I'm also suffering from depression, OCD (already been diagnosed
years ago), and ADD (school counselor thought I might've had it). I
remember having abnormal fears/anxiety/stress when I was a child so I
guess this isn't something new but something that seems to have always
been there and grown over the years.
My life shouldn't be very stressful but for some reason it it. The
littlest things will make me go crazy or freak out. Something as
simple as playing board games with a few family members is just about
the most stressful thing to me. I actually end up getting so
frustrated (at what I don't know) that I clench my teeth so hard that
I have terrible jaw pain. I always feel like I'm about to explode and
I don't know what to do to make that feeling go away.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I thought that maybe I could explain
the situation to my regular doctor and he could refer me to a
psychiatrist and explain my situation. Then perhaps the psychiatrist
could prescibe me something on the first visit so I can start actively
applying for jobs while the medicine is hopefully helping me. Then
once I get a job, then I could continue going to the psychiatrist. I
don't know, that's just a thought. Perhaps I have no idea what I'm
talking about.
2004-12-05 10:14:49 UTC
Mike, you said that you DO have a regular doctor you can see and have been
seeing? You can tell them about this as your regular family practice doctor
or even NP can and will help you with these and will provide you with a
prescription medication if they feel it's necessary, sounds like they would
in your situation. If it's that bad a psychiatrist might be more beneficial
as well considering they can give you better therapy and may know which meds
would be best for your situation although if money is tight than letting
your regular doctor treat you would be much better than nothing. My wife
was sort of in the same boat but with GAD. The NP gave my wife stress and
depression tests (written tests) and my wife ended up scoring higher than
the NP has seen in a few years but was only moderate on depression. Keep in
mind that generic meds can be very cheap too so it might not even hurt you
out of pocket. If you need a brand name drug you might even be able to get
it free (with doctor's signaure on an approved application of course).
Check out this site: http://www.needymeds.com When you know the name of the
med it will be more beneficial to you.

You know, if you can get started on some sort of treatment, be it medication
and/or therapy, if you give college a shot you'll also have access to free
healthcare, and in a year you'll be getting internships making as much as
any job you might end up hating if you got now, not to mention it'd lead to
much more many 3 years later when you finish. Those type of things might
help for the long-run too. Worth thinkin about. Oh and be sure you do some
research on whatever meds the doctor tells you about, you certainly should
take an active part in your treatment. God bless.
Post by Mike
I need some help and don't know what to do. I'm 22 years old and never
went to college after high school and have never worked. I felt so
much stress during high school that after graduation, I felt as though
I needed to take a year off to figure things out. That of course, was
a bad idea. It's now time for me to go out into the real world and get
a job and the thought of doing so really stresses me out. I'm under so
much stress as it is that I already feel like I'm going to explode. If
I have to get a job, I feel like I really, truly, might have some sort
of nervous breakdown. I've reached the age limit on my parents' health
insurance and can't afford to go to a doctor. Until I get this
stress/anxiety treated, I don't think I can get a job. But until I get
a job and make some money, I can't afford to get treated. This is a
huge problem.
I have other health problems that only make everything worse and are
probably causing part of this stress. I have two to three non
treatable sleep disorders and possibly chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm
sure I'm also suffering from depression, OCD (already been diagnosed
years ago), and ADD (school counselor thought I might've had it). I
remember having abnormal fears/anxiety/stress when I was a child so I
guess this isn't something new but something that seems to have always
been there and grown over the years.
My life shouldn't be very stressful but for some reason it it. The
littlest things will make me go crazy or freak out. Something as
simple as playing board games with a few family members is just about
the most stressful thing to me. I actually end up getting so
frustrated (at what I don't know) that I clench my teeth so hard that
I have terrible jaw pain. I always feel like I'm about to explode and
I don't know what to do to make that feeling go away.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I thought that maybe I could explain
the situation to my regular doctor and he could refer me to a
psychiatrist and explain my situation. Then perhaps the psychiatrist
could prescibe me something on the first visit so I can start actively
applying for jobs while the medicine is hopefully helping me. Then
once I get a job, then I could continue going to the psychiatrist. I
don't know, that's just a thought. Perhaps I have no idea what I'm
talking about.
..... ....
2004-12-08 16:45:13 UTC
I know the feeling.....I was told if I don't like the way I feel change
it.....I guess we are ahead of the people that are unaware how they
act....In the end it is up to me .......I have to replace the thoughts
that make me fly off with thoughts of calm...Develop a sense of humor so
I can laff at my self.....Turn frustration into fascination... Good luck
it is a long road.....Bob
