Anxiety / Panic Need advise!! Please
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SnS Const Steve
2004-12-09 19:28:50 UTC
Several years ago I experienced my first panic attack. I took an antibiotic(
penicillin) and had a terrible panic attack. I thought I was having an allergic
reaction and off to the ER we went. Long story short I became phobic about
meds,foods,cleaners etc etc. Got (||) this close to becoming agorophobic and
had to fight an unbelievable battle to get over it. I continued to have panic
attacks but after the first 8-10 trips to Dr. or ER I just suffered through
them. One day I had a panic attack while driving and got MAD. I decided that I
wasn't having any more of these. And I haven't. At least not like that. I will
feel anxious, shaky, irritated and my heart races and my blood pressure
skyrockets but I don't feel panic like I used to. Am I still having panic
attacks? Can they be all physical without the mental " I'm gonna die!" or "I'm
having a heart attack" feelings? I feel like a crazy person. Very linked to my
menstral cycle. Sue
2005-01-01 21:24:13 UTC
You're not crazy - or if you are then millions of other people are too!

I started my 'cycle' of panic attacks on a train. God knows why, but it all
started on a train and they were horrific. At first I thought I was ill, so
I took off a week to get better. 1st day back at work and I had to go by
train - I couldn't go. Two months later and I had become scared of going
outside, seeing people and generally fearful of anybody who showed the
slightest sign of being ill. (I thought I would catch whatever they had and
that it would trigger the panic attacks again.)

I finally sought help and found out what panic/anxiety was all about. I
tried prescribed tablets after being told I was suffering for stress induced
depression - naturally this made it even WORSE! Being told something like
that made me feel less than normal and all I wanted was normality to return
to me.

I eventually tried hypnotherepy and somehow it worked to a degree. I still
get the physical symptons and the 'fight or flight' desire to leave a
situation should I start to feel panic approaching but I have never gone
numb with fear thinking that I'm going to die since. (You know the nasty
thoughts that can go round your head during, before and after an attack so
you can imagine how glad I am that I don't think like that too much now.)

Now I have a new baby, I go out a bit more, I have a superb job and so on. -
Problem is, most of this is now getting on top of me again and I've begun to
feel worse again... I wish it hadn't started again as I now feel I am not
allowed to enjoy life as most people can.

Sue, you're not crazy... you just need to work a little more to stop anxiety
altogether. I can't tell you how because we're both at the same stage and
I'm trying to work it out myself. (I guess we could work on it together?
:)) - I hope others will speak up and we can maybe come up with some kind of
'fix' for this :)

All the best,

Post by SnS Const Steve
Several years ago I experienced my first panic attack. I took an antibiotic(
penicillin) and had a terrible panic attack. I thought I was having an allergic
reaction and off to the ER we went. Long story short I became phobic about
meds,foods,cleaners etc etc. Got (||) this close to becoming agorophobic and
had to fight an unbelievable battle to get over it. I continued to have panic
attacks but after the first 8-10 trips to Dr. or ER I just suffered through
them. One day I had a panic attack while driving and got MAD. I decided that I
wasn't having any more of these. And I haven't. At least not like that. I will
feel anxious, shaky, irritated and my heart races and my blood pressure
skyrockets but I don't feel panic like I used to. Am I still having panic
attacks? Can they be all physical without the mental " I'm gonna die!" or "I'm
having a heart attack" feelings? I feel like a crazy person. Very linked to my
menstral cycle. Sue