coffee drinkers
(too old to reply)
2004-11-10 23:43:43 UTC
My doctor and psychiatrist has told me numerous times to stay away from
caffiene and especially coffee. But my two bad habbits are Coffee and
Cigarettes. I know that Coffee is not good for people with major depression
and anxiety. Caffiene is supposed to make your anxiety worse. But Coffee for
some reason seems to help my depression and anxiety for a short period of time.
It's a great stimulant for me. It gives me a great boost. It helps me stay
focused. Any Coffee drinkers out there that would like to throw in any

Alliance for the Defence
2004-11-20 21:57:36 UTC
I think it's overly simplistic to say that caffiene causes problems for
people with major depression
and anxiety. The effects of Caffiene are extremely complex.
Brenda G. Kent
2004-11-24 03:55:33 UTC
Sometimes I have to take an ativan .5's
to take the edge off an almost panic attack. I find that since I am very
sensitive to any drugs and ativan almost knocks me out ...a cup of coffee
with it tends to "even" me out. I feel neither panicky or sleepy.

Works for me.

"On a withered branch,
a crow has now alighted.
Nightfall in autumn."
-- Basho, 1679
2004-12-11 00:51:30 UTC
Post by Greg3920
My doctor and psychiatrist has told me numerous times to stay away from
caffiene and especially coffee. But my two bad habbits are Coffee and
Cigarettes. I know that Coffee is not good for people with major depression
and anxiety. Caffiene is supposed to make your anxiety worse. But Coffee for
some reason seems to help my depression and anxiety for a short period of time.
It's a great stimulant for me. It gives me a great boost. It helps me stay
focused. Any Coffee drinkers out there that would like to throw in any
I take only one in the morning. more than that and I'm all jittery.

2004-12-19 15:55:32 UTC
i to suffer severe depression and anxiety,i am also totally addicted to very
strong coffee,i have around 20 cups pd. does anyone agree it will worsen my
Post by Johnny
Post by Greg3920
My doctor and psychiatrist has told me numerous times to stay away from
caffiene and especially coffee. But my two bad habbits are Coffee and
Cigarettes. I know that Coffee is not good for people with major depression
and anxiety. Caffiene is supposed to make your anxiety worse. But
Post by Johnny
Post by Greg3920
some reason seems to help my depression and anxiety for a short period
Post by Johnny
Post by Greg3920
It's a great stimulant for me. It gives me a great boost. It helps me stay
focused. Any Coffee drinkers out there that would like to throw in any
I take only one in the morning. more than that and I'm all jittery.
John Cheever
2004-12-21 12:44:54 UTC
Decaffeinated matey, better for us anxiety sufferers.
Post by eddie
i to suffer severe depression and anxiety,i am also totally addicted to very
strong coffee,i have around 20 cups pd. does anyone agree it will worsen my