(too old to reply)
Gary Simmonds
2005-04-10 03:11:30 UTC
i guess my fear about not sleeping is 2 fold. One is that with all the
worrying that we do that if we do that much worry on a tired mind that i
will get a nrevous breakdown. that my mind will give way and i will
collapse. Second my fear is that the sleeplessness will continue until i
cannot even function anymore. Does this make sense?

2005-04-10 21:28:37 UTC
Post by Gary Simmonds
i guess my fear about not sleeping is 2 fold. One is that with all the
worrying that we do that if we do that much worry on a tired mind that i
will get a nrevous breakdown. that my mind will give way and i will
collapse. Second my fear is that the sleeplessness will continue until i
cannot even function anymore. Does this make sense?
I drop in here now and then and see nobody has answered your message
here yet.
I don't have trouble sleeping most of the time, but bnow and then I do
if I get worried.
If I don't sleep well, I have trouble functioning the next day to some
degree, but usually I make it up the next night. As long as you are not
going for days with hardly any sleep, it shouldn't be a problem. Do you
worry every single night when you go to bed?
Eventually, there is a point where we have to get enough sleep. It just
happens naturally.
If you are very worried about having a nervous breakdown over lack of
sleep, you probably have things on your mind which cause you to worry,
so you may need to talk to someone about it who can assure you that you
will not have a nervous breakdown.

If you are interested, a good book to read about anxiety and bad nerves,
if you can find it is "Hope and Help for your Nerves" by Claire Weekes,
or "Peace from nervous suffering" by her as well. The books were written
quite a while ago, but many parts in the books are just as valid today.

I went through a very bad emotional period in my life several years ago
and felt I am going to have a nervous breakdown and went to my GP who
has some training in emotional issues, and I still go to her every few
weeks years later. For me, she has been enough, but that doesn't mean
that is the case for you or anybody else. Some people need a therapist
or a psychiatrist. But you can start off with your GP and he/she can
decide if you need a referral to a specialist.

Anyway, just my opinion as to what I would do if it were me.

Nothing to prevent you from posting here, but there are two other
anxiety newsgroups you might want to check which are a lot more active
than this one - alt.support.anxiety-panic.moderated and
alt.support.anxiety-panic -
Good luck.

Queen B of My Hive
2005-04-10 23:06:22 UTC
Hey Gary
It's been a while. I haven't heard from you. Sounds like you need to
work on
your sleep. I need to think about it and
read some about it then I'll get back to
Sincerely, Patty
