Anxiety attacks?
(too old to reply)
2005-08-31 19:26:56 UTC
Hi all,

I have a history of depression and anxiety, but as far as I know have
never had an anxiety attack. In over the last month I've been having
fairly frequent "episodes" that have me concerned. I've just moved to
NYC from New Zealand, and I have started a serious relationship, both
of which could be triggers for anxiety.

My legs are often wobbly and sometimes give way when I'm trying to
walk. My head often starts spinning out and losing balance when I'm
walking or trying to hold down a conversation with someone. I also get
tightness across my chest and shortness of breath. These are all
unfamiliar experiences for me, which has me worried that it could be
something more serious than anxiety. But I'm definitely feeling anxious
at the moment.

I've been to a walk-in clinic once and they gave me a whole raft of
heart-related tests, and everything turned out ok. She suspected an
anxiety/panic disorder and prescribed me Klonipin. This appears to help
a little, but I'm still feeling dizzy.

I'm not too sure what to do. I'm in NYC for another 4 months and only
have travel insurance which has very limited medical cover - i.e.
emergency cover only. I would dearly love to get to the bottom of this.
I imagine MRI tests would be fairly costly.

Does this sound like anxiety attacks? Any advice would be much

Many thanks,

2005-08-31 21:08:16 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Hi all,
I have a history of depression and anxiety, but as far as I know have
never had an anxiety attack. In over the last month I've been having
fairly frequent "episodes" that have me concerned. I've just moved to
NYC from New Zealand, and I have started a serious relationship, both
of which could be triggers for anxiety.
Hi Paul, this is not a very busy panic-anxiety newgroup, though there is
nothing wrong with posting here, but you would get more feedback and
help if you post on
alt.support.anxiety-panic.moderated. You can also check out

