Have a fear you want to get over using hypnosis? LOOK HERE for a special TV opportunity!
(too old to reply)
2006-02-22 19:21:30 UTC
Are you suffering from an extreme behavioral disorder or phobia?

Is someone you love suffering?

Do you want to get help?

A major U.S. television network is looking for people who suffer from
extreme behavioral issues for a new tv series that examines how
hypnosis can affect a positive change. Issues can include:

1. Obsessive disorders

2. Irrational fears

3. Phobias

4. Self abuse

Qualified subjects will be treated by one of the country's leading
hypnotists. The sessions are free but you must agree to be filmed.
Shooting will take place over several days. Please respond to the email
below with your name and telephone number.

Respond to email: ***@doccitytv.com

Still skeptical? Please see our website at www.doccitytv.com. This
project is too new to be listed, but you can read more about our
company and other projects.
2006-03-12 05:16:10 UTC
Sorry I had to write you back on here but the email address you gave me
was wrong so here it goes : Hello there... I'm a 26/f currently
residing in Washington state. I came across your add and thought I'd
send you an e-mail and tell you a little about myself. About 2 years
ago I got out of a very physical and emotionally abusive relationship
about a month after I left him I started getting these anxiety and
panic attacks constantly... I guess everything that he had put me
through explains why I do have the attacks. Well to start out I should
say when he was sober he was great it was when he was using drugs that
he turned into a very ugly , mean , controlling monster. He would
accuse me of sleeping w/ his friends, co-workers and any and all of my
friends. He wouldn't let me leave the house with out him and god forbid
I call my family because they would try and change my mind about beeing
with him....The last straw came when I tried to leave him and he forced
me to get in MY car at knife point and drove me to a cliff and
threatened to drive both of us off of it... Before he did get the
chance to do that he asked me if I was scared of him... Once I told him
I was he got out of the car, I jumped into the drivers seat and took
off without looking back. Anyhow I got a little off the subject or I
guess too into the subject. Because of all that he put me through now I
have acute PTSD. I've been put on several different medications by
numerous doctors but nothing seems to work for me.. I even tried hypno
therapy about 6 months ago but that didn't work i'm not sure if it was
the hypno therapist or myself. I'm getting so frustrated it just feels
like this is never going to end. Normally people won't get attacks
unless something triggers it well for me it's not one specific thing
it's EVERYTHING. I constantly have this fear of dying whether it be i'm
going to have a heart attack, someones going to shoot me, i'm gonig to
get in a car accident or my ex boyfriend will come looking for me and
put an end to my life. I'm 26 years old and constantly looking over my
shoulders whether it's out and about or simply in the privacy of my own
home. I just found out last Thursday that he got released from a
prison located in north eastern California. So that just adds some more
icing to the cake. One other thing besides the attacks is my eating...
After I left my ex I lost 40 lbs in a matter of 2 months. When the
panic attacks started coming there also came this problem w/ not beeing
able to eat solid foods. I constantly have this irrational fear of
choking on food when I'm eating... It would be so nice to be able to
enjoy a nice dinner. Anyhow for your records my name is Tamara Clark
and my phone # is 360-876-4479.. Thank you for giving me the change to
write to you and tell you a little bit of my story.. I do hope you can
Post by ***@doccitytv.com
Are you suffering from an extreme behavioral disorder or phobia?
Is someone you love suffering?
Do you want to get help?
A major U.S. television network is looking for people who suffer from
extreme behavioral issues for a new tv series that examines how
1. Obsessive disorders
2. Irrational fears
3. Phobias
4. Self abuse
Qualified subjects will be treated by one of the country's leading
hypnotists. The sessions are free but you must agree to be filmed.
Shooting will take place over several days. Please respond to the email
below with your name and telephone number.
Still skeptical? Please see our website at www.doccitytv.com. This
project is too new to be listed, but you can read more about our
company and other projects.