xanax dosage
(too old to reply)
2005-02-17 09:13:32 UTC

I was jus prescribed xanax for my anxiety. My symptoms are shaky hands
and nervousness in social situations. I ignored this problem for years
and only treated it with the occasional beer or cocktail to help me get
thru social gatherings and the like. My question is: I was prescribed
2mg tablets once a day and on the first day i took it i passed out for
3 hours and had little memory of what i was doing prior to be being put
into bed by my girlfriend.

Today (day 2) i split the pill in half and was fine for the first part
of the day. Took the 2nd half about 7-8 hours later and again had a
bout a 3 hour unscheduled nap. Is this just gonna take some getting
used to? Should I not be splitting up the pill? Any help or advice is
geatly welcomed and appreciated.

In Amen
2005-02-21 17:57:16 UTC
Post by deadphish
I was jus prescribed xanax for my anxiety. My symptoms are shaky hands
and nervousness in social situations. I ignored this problem for years
and only treated it with the occasional beer or cocktail to help me get
thru social gatherings and the like. My question is: I was prescribed
2mg tablets once a day and on the first day i took it i passed out for
3 hours and had little memory of what i was doing prior to be being put
into bed by my girlfriend.
Today (day 2) i split the pill in half and was fine for the first part
of the day. Took the 2nd half about 7-8 hours later and again had a
bout a 3 hour unscheduled nap. Is this just gonna take some getting
used to? Should I not be splitting up the pill? Any help or advice is
geatly welcomed and appreciated.
any prescribed medication has side effects for some people.

a newsgroup is not the place to seek medical advise concerning drug
dosages. call your doctor.
2005-02-28 02:03:45 UTC
Post by In Amen
any prescribed medication has side effects for some people.
a newsgroup is not the place to seek medical advise concerning drug
dosages. call your doctor.
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Well, you should definitely tell your doctor, if you haven't
already, that the dose is making you too sleepy. And while a
newsgroup isn't the place to get specific advice for yourself about
a prescription medication, it isn't a bad place to get some
information and reassurance.

Sleepiness is one of the common side effects of Xanax. And it may
lessen for you as you go along. But if it's really just kinda
knocking you out, you should let your doc know. 2 mg at a pop is a
significant dose, although not in itself particularly dangerous, but
you don't want to be nodding off in situations where it could be
trouble, like behind the wheel of a car. Maybe you need a lower
dose, but that's something for your doctor to consider with you.

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Snag my public key at http://www.i-will-not.com
Michael Maxwell
2005-03-22 12:39:22 UTC
Post by myob
Post by In Amen
any prescribed medication has side effects for some people.
a newsgroup is not the place to seek medical advise concerning drug
dosages. call your doctor.
Hash: SHA1
Well, you should definitely tell your doctor, if you haven't
already, that the dose is making you too sleepy. And while a
newsgroup isn't the place to get specific advice for yourself about
a prescription medication, it isn't a bad place to get some
information and reassurance.
Sleepiness is one of the common side effects of Xanax. And it may
lessen for you as you go along. But if it's really just kinda
knocking you out, you should let your doc know. 2 mg at a pop is a
significant dose, although not in itself particularly dangerous, but
you don't want to be nodding off in situations where it could be
trouble, like behind the wheel of a car. Maybe you need a lower
dose, but that's something for your doctor to consider with you.
Version: PGP 8.0.3
Snag my public key at http://www.i-will-not.com
One thing you should also remember about xanax, and the doctor will
confirm this. Do NOT stop taking it cold-turkey. It is a benzo-diazipene
(spelling may be wrong), which affects the central nervous system. In
short, if you stop taking it without slowly weening yourself off the
drug, the withdrawal symptoms could be fatal. I experienced this about
ten years ago with the drug. I went through about a ten hour withdrawal,
during which time I literally thought I was going to die. I had to call
a friend to take me to the dr where I was put back on the meds and
slowly, slowly weaned myself off.
Take care,
